Trending News Releases
Not going out is the “new normal” post-Covid, say experts
Taylor & Francis Group
The silk thread that can turn clothes into charging stations
Chalmers University of Technology
Depression care in low-income nations can improve overall health
RAND Corporation
Landmark 20-year study of climate change impact on permafrost forests
Osaka Metropolitan University
Glaucoma drug shows promise against neurodegenerative diseases, animal studies suggest
University of Cambridge
New ESO image captures a dark wolf in the sky
Childhood neglect associated with stroke, COPD, cognitive impairment, and depression
University of Toronto
A novel neural network for preserving cultural heritage via 3D image reconstruction
Ritsumeikan University
A newly developed algorithm shows how a gene is expressed at microscopic resolution
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan
Off the clothesline, on the grid: MXene nanomaterials enable wireless charging in textiles
Drexel University