News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Passenger Pigeon Case Study: How Even Large, Stable Populations May Be...

image: A female and male Passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) mount from the collections of the Royal Ontario Museum. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Nov. 17, 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by G.G.R. Murray at University of California, Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz, CA, and colleagues was titled, "Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of passenger pigeon genomic diversity." view more 

Credit: Brian Boyle, MPA, FPPO photo copyright ROM

尽管某物种的遗传多样性常会因为种群的剧烈波动而下降,但对旅鸽(Ectopistes migratorius)的一项新的研究表明,即使群体数大且稳定的物种也会在环境突变后面临灭绝危险。旅鸽曾经是北美数量最丰的鸟种;尽管种群规模大常常与高度的遗传多样性关联,但近来的研究显示,旅鸽的基因组多样性低得惊人,表明其种群规模发生了剧烈的变化。Gemma Murray和同事在此用统计模型来预测旅鸽的祖先种群;他们发现,在其先前的繁殖范围中,旅鸽的种群大小是稳定的,其种群甚至比从前估计的还更大。为了调查为何种群规模稳定仍然会导致遗传多样性下降,Murray等人对4个不同地方的4种旅鸽的核基因组进行了分析,并将其与那些和它们有着最近亲缘的斑尾鸽(band-tailed pigeon)的核基因组做了比较。他们发现,旅鸽的大种群规模大多导致的是遗传码的“无效”变化,而这些变化不会影响旅鸽总体的适合性。与此同时,与斑尾鸽相比,旅鸽遗传码中的高度多样性区域则经历了对有益基因的更为快强的选择,而这些有益的DNA块继续固定于种群之中。虽然这听上去似乎是好消息,但为了保持特定有益基因的强力选择,它也会驱动遗传多样性的丧失。因此,作者提出,在接触到意外的环境变化后,也许获得了那些未得到保持的生存特质,这些旅鸽由于某些遗传品质如此相近,它们反而变得更容易灭绝。


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