Smart control of directional liquid transport with external stimuli on magnetic CMIA and elastic CMIA. (IMAGE)
(A) Remote control of directional liquid transport by magnetic stimuli. Ethanol (dyed red) is transported in the negative direction on the CMIA without applying a magnet (left), and in the positive direction (right) resulted from decreasing ω1 and increasing ω2 by magnetic stimuli. The black shapes are fins made of Ecoflex doped with magnetic NdFeB particles. (B) Real-time and in situ control of directional liquid transport by magnets. The transporting route of liquid is adjusted by strategically operating the magnet to tune reentrant angles of fins. The yellow arrows illustrate the deformation of fins, white arrows indicate the liquid transport direction in time, and red arrows indicate images of the next time. (C) Control of directional liquid transport by mechanical stimuli. On the elastic CMIA, ethanol is transported in the negative direction (left) whereas it is converted to the positive direction by the mechanical stretching-induced spacing rise (right).
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