Feature Story | 29-Mar-2023

New study at Oxford Brookes University to examine link between diet and multiple sclerosis

Oxford Brookes University

Researchers hope their findings will improve the quality of life for people with the condition. They will evaluate the dietary characteristics of more than 2,000 people with MS in the UK in order to determine whether diet and particular aspects of diet are predictive of long-term clinical progression.  

MS is a lifelong condition that affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms include problems with vision, movement, sensation, and balance that can sometimes cause serious disability, although symptoms can be milder. Nearly three million people worldwide have MS, of which over 130,000 reside in the UK.

Previous research has shown that there are more cases of MS in Western countries where diets are typically high in calories and saturated fatty acids. However, until now there have been relatively few studies which examine diet and progression in large numbers of participants, and fewer still which examine these relationships over time, both of which are necessary to determine causal relationships.

Dr Shelly Coe, Senior Lecturer in Nutrition at Oxford Brookes, said: “We want to provide robust evidence to show whether certain inflammatory foods contribute to worse MS symptoms. This study will, for the first time, provide the kind of evidence which can allow us to say whether a particular quality of diet can predict clinical outcomes in MS, including relapse rate, disability, fatigue, anxiety and the general quality of someone’s health.”

“Our previous study suggests that there may be a link between diets high in red meat and saturated fats to the levels of fatigue and the symptoms of MS, whereas certain foods such as oily fish, fruit, and vegetables may help to reduce symptoms of the condition.

“But more work needs to be done before we can be confident that specific diets could contribute to reducing or alleviating the symptoms of MS. Our new research will lead us to conclusions that will help doctors and nutritionists make positive dietary recommendations to improve the quality of life for people with MS.” 

Researchers say the findings of the study, which gets underway on 1 April, and is set to last 36 months, could have significant implications for patients and clinicians who are managing MS and may lead to the development of personalised diets for people living with the condition.

Dr Catherine Godbold, Research Communications Manager at the MS Society, says: “We’re proud to be funding this important study into diet and MS progression and it's great to see the MS Society funded UK MS Register play a part in the research too. Research suggests some foods may help trigger, or fight, inflammation, but at the moment there isn’t enough evidence to recommend any special diet for people with MS.  

  “MS is relentless, painful and disabling, and to stop it, we need to find treatments that slow progression for everyone. We’re funding research looking at drugs that have the potential to do this, but people with MS often ask if there are lifestyle changes they can make. The results of this study will hopefully help to improve our understanding of the factors affecting MS progression.” 


Note to editors

This project is supported by MS Australia and the UK MS Society.

Photo by Valeria Boltneva/Pexels.com

About Oxford Brookes University

Oxford Brookes is one of the UK's leading modern universities, and is amongst the world’s top universities in 19 subject areas. Set in a world-famous student city, it enjoys an international reputation for teaching excellence as well as strong links with business, industry and the public sector.

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