News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Training the Immune System to Fight Ovarian Cancer

image: The personalized vaccine is composed of the patient's dendritic cells, which were harvested from serum samples (steps 4-6). The cells were then exposed to a solution of material previously gathered from the tumor (steps 1-3) before being injected back into the patient in vaccine form (steps 7-8). This material relates to a paper that appeared in the April 11, 2018, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by J.L. Tanyi at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, and colleagues was titled, "Personalized cancer vaccine effectively mobilizes antitumor T cell immunity in ovarian cancer." view more 

Credit: J.L. Tanyi <i>et al., Science Translational Medicine </i>(2018)

一项试点临床试验的结果显示,一种个性化癌症疫苗安全成功地提高了免疫反应,增加了卵巢癌病人的存活率。这项研究支持用不同组合的免疫疗法来治疗癌症以更好地对付晚期卵巢癌,后者是一种致命的疾病,它常常在较晚期的时候才得到诊断。晚期卵巢癌的标准治疗为手术及接着进行基于铂的化疗。然而,许多接受该疗法后的病人仍会复发,而该病没有可治愈的选项。为研发亟需的新型疗法,Janos Tanyi和同事为25名罹患晚期卵巢癌复发患者创制了个性化癌症疫苗。该疫苗由可激发免疫反应的树突细胞组成,这些细胞来自病人自身接触过肿瘤物质的血液;这些肿瘤物质可训导T细胞识别并浸润肿瘤。本文的作者给患者单独接种该疫苗或是将该疫苗与两种可调节免疫系统的药物(贝伐单抗和环磷酰胺)联合使用,并对病人进行了2年的追踪。病人对总共392剂的疫苗有良好的耐受性,他们展现了强健的T细胞抗肿瘤反应。重要的是,与本研究之外的病人组(这些病人仅用贝伐单抗和环磷酰胺)相比,接受疫苗与药物联合疗法的病人有着更高的两年平均存活率。Tanyi等提醒,这些只是初步结果,但将来值得对该看好的疫苗进行临床研究。


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