News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Behavioral Expression of Fear Memory (1 of 2)

image: Behavi oral expression of fear memory: In n aïve (unlearned) state, mice have not gained a context - specific engram. In the learned memory state, mice have acquired a synapticaly potentiated fear engram, which causes them to express freezing be havior in the fearful context. In the amnesia state, protein synthesis inhibition has resulted in mice that have an interrupted and synaptically depotentiated fear engram, which does not cause freezing behavior in the fearful context, but can resul t in freezing behavior if directly activated. view more 

Credit: [Credit: Dheeraj Roy ]


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Article #12: "Engram cells retain memory under retrograde amnesia," by T.J. Ryan; D.S. Roy; M. Pignatelli; A. Arons; S. Tonegawa at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA; T.J. Ryan; D.S. Roy; M. Pignatelli; A. Arons; S. Tonegawa at RIKEN in Cambridge, MA; T.J. Ryan; A. Arons; S. Tonegawa at Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Cambridge, MA.

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