News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

A Bioengineered Tattoo Monitors Blood Calcium Levels

image: A microscopic image comparing the engineered tattoo cells when exposed to normal levels of calcium (left) and elevated levels of calcium (right). This material relates to a paper that appeared in the April 18, 2018, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by A. Tastanova at ETH Zurich in Basel, Switzerland, and colleagues was titled, "Synthetic biology-based cellular biomedical tattoo for detection of hypercalcemia associated with cancer." view more 

Credit: A. Tastanova <i>et al., Science Translational Medicine </i>(2018)

科学家们创建了一种生物医学刺青,它能因应血钙浓度上升而在皮肤上显现出来。该刺青代表了一种创新的诊断策略,它或能最终用于提前发现与高血钙(高钙血症)相关的疾病。研究人员长期以来一直承认,需要创建更为积极主动的防病措施,例如,提高疾病意识及鼓励定期体检。开发新型诊断装置是这一努力的关键组分,因为在可能的最早阶段就发现疾病常常会改善临床转归。为了解决这一未酬之需,Aizhan Tastanova和同事设计了一种可发现高钙血症的植入式传感器,高钙血症是多种疾病(从肾脏衰竭至数种类型的癌症)的早期标志。他们用生物工程法设计的细胞含有能感测钙离子的受体,后者能监测血钙浓度。这些细胞还被设计成能在检测到血钙持续高于平均浓度时会产生黑色素(一种暗黑色素),它会在皮肤上呈现为黑斑。作者在小鼠身上测试了他们的技术:将这些生物工程设计的细胞植入到罹患肿瘤的小鼠皮下,这些肿瘤有的会引起高钙血症,有些则对血钙浓度没有影响。黑色刺青成功地出现在有高钙血症小鼠的皮肤上,它们在为期38天的实验中没有表现出任何症状。Tastanova等人说,尽管该刺青仍处于研发早期,但它最终会为临床医师提供一种在出现症状前发现某些癌症及其它疾病的新方法。


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