News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Smartwatch Sensors Enable Remote Monitoring and Treatment Guidance for Parkinson's Patients (1 of 1)

image: The smartwatch system is based on sensors that can capture changes in movement patterns and tremors, which can help clinicians tailor treatments such as medications and lifestyle changes. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Feb. 3, 2021, issue of Science Translational Medicine, published by AAAS. The paper, by R. Powers at Apple Inc. in Cupertino, CA; and colleagues was titled, "Smartwatch inertial sensors continuously monitor real-world motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease." view more 

Credit: R. Powers <i>et al., Science Translational Medicine</i> (2021)

科学家及研发了一个基于市售智能手表的监测系统,该表能察觉到帕金森氏病患者的运动和震颤问题。该系统已在一个有343位患者(其中包括225名研究人员追踪达6个月的病人)的研究中进行了测试,其对受试者所作的评估与临床医师的估测吻合度达94%。这些发现提示,该平台可以让临床医生远程监控患者的病情进展并根据结果的改善来调整用药计划。帕金森氏病的特征是自主运动功能受损(运动障碍)及出现震颤,这些都会严重减损患者的生活品质。这些症状可用药施治,但如果临床医生能精确滴定药物剂量并按症状的严重程度改变用药方案,则患者会有最佳的治疗反应。然而,临床医生目前对患者的评估所根据的是不经常有的临床就诊,而这些造访无法捕捉症状的细微变化。Rob Powers和同事用其帕金森氏病运动症状波动监测器(MM4PD)来处理这一问题;MM4PD是用智能手表传感器捕获佩戴者每日运动模式波动的算法集合。该系统发现了225例患者在戴表后6个月内的震颤和运动障碍的严重程度模式,并发现了由临床医生注意到的症状变化,而这些变化可能会在传统的评估中被遗漏。此外,MM4PD还记录到了新出现的震颤和运动受损体征,这些新变化可能需要更改用药规划才能恰当施治。Powers等人说,他们的平台可服务于一系列其它应用,如鼓励病人按规定服药或作为与药物研发相伴的诊断方法。


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