News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Antibodies from Human Survivors of Andes Hantavirus Protect Rodents Against Infection (1 of 1)

image: The researchers incubated the MIB22 antibody (green) with human kidney cells coated with a protein from Andean hantavirus (blue). This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Nov. 21, 2018, issue of <i>Science Translational Medicine</i>, published by AAAS. The paper, by J.L. Garrido at Universidad de Concepci&oacute;n in Concepci&oacute;n, Chile; and colleagues was titled, "Two recombinant human monoclonal antibodies that protect against lethal Andes hantavirus infection in vivo." view more 

Credit: J.L. Garrido <i>et al., Science Translational Medicine </i>(2018)

Jose Garrido和同事从感染安第斯汉坦病毒(ANDV)的人类幸存者体内分离到了抗体,后者能保护仓鼠不受该致命疾病的伤害。在感染后给予这些抗体甚至也能令仓鼠得到保护,表明这些抗体可被用作感染后的疾病预防性治疗,目前尚无治愈该病的选项。汉坦病毒感染是由鼠类传播给人的;由于它们会导致很高的死亡率而引起严重关注。ANDV感染会导致一种被称作汉坦病毒心肺综合征(HCPS)的极端危险疾病,后者会引起发烧、头痛、低血压及心肺衰竭。ANDV是南美洲HCPS病例的主要病因,它是唯一能在人与人之间传播的汉坦病毒。在人中所做的数项研究显示,中和抗体反应的产生与HCPS后的存活存在强相关性。Garrido等人怀疑,从先前罹患HCPS的幸存患者体内分离的抗体可被用做治疗制剂,他们对27名罹患HCPC的智利病人的血清样本进行了检查,并对这些患者的抗体的中和ANDV的功效进行了筛检。他们发现有一位患者有着特别看好的中和ANDV能力;他们从该病人体内分离出了B记忆细胞,并对两种能识别及中和ANDV的抗体(被命名为MIB22和JL16)进行了研究。作者说,在给予这两种抗体后,它们可100%地防止仓鼠(它们在3天前接受了致死剂量的HNDV)罹患HCPS,表明这两种抗体或能在单独或联合给予时成为治疗HCPS的支柱。


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