News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

A Peek at the Nightlife of Synapses Reveals They Weaken, and Why

image: This picture shows 3-D reconstructions of electron microscope images of tree branch-like dendrites. At the end of the branches are cup-like structures called the spines, and in the tips of the spines are synapses. By studying thousands of images like these, the researchers showed that the synapses shrink after the mouse sleeps and grow again during the next wakeful period. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Feb. 3, 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by L. de Vivo at University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, and colleagues was titled, 'Ultrastructural evidence for synaptic scaling across the wake/sleep cycle.' view more 

Credit: Wisconsin Center for Sleep and Consciousness

本期《科学》的两项研究让人们有机会一瞥突触的夜生活;突触是神经系统中的神经连接。这两项研究都揭示了小鼠在睡眠时突触结构和分子机械发生了显著改变。睡眠有何功能仍然存在争议,一种学派认为睡眠具有恢复功能,并能对细胞器的磨损进行维修。另一学派提出,睡眠是为了信息处理,开展像巩固记忆这样的计算过程。同时流行的理念还有,睡眠会令突触连接减弱,这是为了平衡发生在白天的突触功能增强以支持神经活动和信息处理。本期《科学》的两个研究对后一种理念提供了支持。在第一个研究中,Luisa de Vivo和同事对小鼠脑组织进行了电子显微镜操作以重构神经元树突棘的三维图像。通过研究数千幅这样的图像,de Vivo和团队显示,小鼠睡眠后突触会缩小(表现为在神经元的端部与从其上外突的树突棘间面积的减少),而且在下一个清醒期中,突触会再次长大。第二个研究也涉及小鼠中的成像,Graham H. Diering和同事对睡眠中突触减弱的机制进行了探索并发现,一个被称作Homerla的基因在醒时神经元中的累积起着某种作用,它能重塑一种分子信号传导复合物,导致小鼠睡觉时的突触减弱。由László Acsády1和Kenneth D. Harris撰写的《视角》提出了更多的见解。


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