News Release


Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Understanding the Impact of Delays in High-speed Networks

video: Movie shows extreme sub-second behavior in the networks underlying the current financial system. Such extreme behaviors can offer fresh insight into the function -- and importantly the malfunction -- of a brain. The entire episode lasts less than 500 milliseconds, which is below the human response time and faster than the typical timescale of human consciousness. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the Feb. 24, 2017, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by N.F. Johnson at University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL, and colleagues was titled, 'To slow or not? Challenges in subsecond networks' view more 

Credit: Neil Johnson

在一个日益依赖高速网络的世界里,在这些系统中引入微秒延迟都会产生深远的影响。在本期的《政策论坛》中,Neil F. Johnson对为什么需要更好地理解这些微秒延迟会驱动更极端的行为(尤其是在金融市场的背景中,但也存在于其它领域)进行了讨论。2016年秋天,美国最快、最大的金融网络遭遇了其第一次故意的延迟。这一看似微小的350微秒的延迟足够明显地给交易员一种市场交易活动增加的虚假印象,它能触发交易程序并能对交易价格动态制造反馈效应。Johnson说,政策制定者认为这一延迟是合理的,因为它能消除更快参与者所能得到的高度不对称的优势。然而,他强调,有必要更好地了解这些延迟的影响,而人们对这些延迟影响的理解仍然很少。例如,捕捉到500微秒延迟及bunched delays的数据会导致实质上更为极端的交易行为。对延迟影响有更好理解的需要正变得日益急迫,因为类似的技术已经做好了延伸至金融市场以外的准备,例如延伸至无人驾驶汽车或无人机的导航网络系统。Johnson说,核心科学挑战将是预测某种故意的时间延迟将会产生的极端行为类型的能力。Johnson得出结论,系统对这类延迟敏感性的分类可帮助政策制定者通过政策定制来应对不同的市场情景。


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