Renowned scholars appointed to the editorial board of Materials and Solidification
Tsinghua University Press
Materials and Solidification is a single-blind peer-reviewed, fully open access international journal published by Tsinghua University Press, with academic support provided by the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University. The Journal aims to publish cutting-edge research results in solidification theory and solidification technologies for metal, semiconductor, organic, inorganic, and polymer materials in bulk or as thin films. It includes, but is not limited to, casting, welding, and additive manufacturing related to solidification processing, and is also involved in nonequilibrium solidification phenomena in multiphysical fields, such as electricity, ultrasonication, magnetism, and microgravity.
Now it is thrilled to introduce its newly formed editorial board. Comprising pre-eminent researchers from across the globe, this editorial board is committed to upholding the journal's high standards of academic excellence and driving innovation in the discipline.
Jinshan Li, hailing from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China, is a luminary in the field of advanced metal structural materials and precise forming technology. As the director of the State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, he holds key positions in prestigious professional bodies. With over 300 research papers, two co-authored books, and more than 100 national invention patents to his name, Professor Li's contributions to the field are far-reaching.
Executive Editor
Junjie Wang, also from Northwestern Polytechnical University, brings a wealth of international experience to his role. His research focuses on material genetic engineering, covering areas such as electronic, catalytic, and energy materials. Having published in top-tier journals like Nature Catalysis and JACS, Professor Wang's work has had a significant impact on the scientific community.
Associate Editors
Junming Liu from Nanjing University, China, is a pioneer in the study of multiferroic materials and complex transition metal oxides. His research spans ferroelectrics, magnetoelectric coupling, and statistical physics, and his contributions have been widely recognized in the academic world.
Ma Qian, a Distinguished Professor at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia, is a leading authority on solidification processing, metal additive manufacturing, and biomaterials. Co-developer of the Interdependence Theory for Alloy Solidification, he has published in renowned journals and received numerous awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from Materials Australia in 2022.
Yanqing Su of Harbin Institute of Technology, China, is a leading figure in multiphase material solidification theory and advanced metal materials. With over 400 academic papers and multiple science and technology awards, his research has made a major contribution to the field.
Menghuai Wu from Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria specializes in numerical modeling and simulation of solidification processes. His work has been applied in various industrial processes, and he heads the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Process Simulation of Solidification and Melting.
Editorial Committee
The editorial committee consists of the following experts:
Vladislav Blatov (Samara State Technical University, Russia)
Shouxun Ji (Brunel University London, UK)
Hyoung Seop Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Shuhua Liang (Xi'an University of Technology, China)
Gian-Marco Rignanese (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Baode Sun (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Qiang Wang (Northeastern University, China)
Tongmin Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
This diverse group of experts, representing different regions and research areas, ensures comprehensive and in - depth review of manuscripts submitted to the journal.
For more details about the journal and its editorial board, please visit Editorial Board.
Call for Papers: Inviting Diverse Research
Materials and Solidification has an open-arms policy towards a wide range of research in the solidification field. In addition to the core areas of solidification theory and technology for various materials and related processes, the journal welcomes studies with innovative ideas, theories, and methods. Interdisciplinary research is highly encouraged, as it reflects the growing trend of cross-disciplinary collaboration in modern materials science.
Articles that present new discoveries, critical thinking, and profound insights are especially sought after. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous single-blind peer-review process. This ensures that only articles that meet the highest academic standards are published, maintaining the journal's reputation for quality and reliability.
The journal accepts various article types, including Review, Concept, Research Article, Short Communication, Comment, and Reply. This diversity in article types allows researchers to present their work in the most appropriate format, whether it is a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art, a novel concept proposal, in-depth research findings, or a concise communication of new results.
For researchers who encounter academic issues during the submission process, they can reach out to the Executive Editor, Prof. Junjie Wang, via email at This personalized support further streamlines the submission process and makes it more accessible for researchers, especially those new to the journal.
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