Patient portal utilization improves outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma
Xia & He Publishing Inc.
Background and objectives
A growing body of literature has demonstrated improved quality of life in cancer patients who utilize web-based patient portals; however, no studies have investigated their impact on objective clinical measures. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of patient portal utilization on clinical outcomes in cancer care. Patient portal platforms provide patients with direct access to their providers through messaging, medication requests, and other tools. There is a knowledge gap in the literature regarding whether electronic patient portals enhance outcomes in cancer care.
This study is a retrospective analysis of 791 patients with multiple myeloma within the Scripps Health system. The effect of MyScripps electronic patient portal use on unplanned hospital visits and mortality was assessed. Outcomes were also evaluated in relation to the age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index and chemotherapy use.
Results showed that older, male, Hispanic, and Spanish-speaking patients had lower portal utilization. Those with inactive portal status had higher rates of unplanned hospital visits and mortality. Inactive portal status was an independent predictor of unplanned hospital visits in two multivariable logistic regression analyses. A logistic regression model investigating the interaction between patient portal use and age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index revealed that active portal status remained a predictor of unplanned hospital visits.
Digital healthcare resources, such as online patient portals, are promising technologies that may reduce barriers to access and improve outcomes in vulnerable populations. While research into the impact of electronic health resources is growing, prior studies have not evaluated the effect of patient portal activity on health outcomes in cancer patients. This study provides evidence that culturally tailored programs to increase access to electronic resources in underserved populations are likely to help close the gap in patient outcomes in these communities.
Full text
The study was recently published in the Oncology Advances.
Oncology Advances is dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of human malignancies, advancing the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying oncogenesis, and promoting translation from bench to bedside of oncological sciences. The aim of Oncology Advances is to publish peer-reviewed, high-quality articles in all aspects of translational and clinical studies on human cancers, as well as cutting-edge preclinical and clinical research of novel cancer therapies.
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