Feature Story | 3-Mar-2025

Together we’re more – City St George’s launches new brand reflecting its ambitious vision

City St George's, University of London has publicly launched following the merger of two universities to create a higher education powerhouse in London

City St George’s, University of London

London, 3 March 2025 – City St George’s, University of London has today launched its new brand, following its successful merger in August 2024.

The merger of City, University of London with St George’s, University of London, marks a significant development in creating a powerful multi-faculty institution with a distinctive focus on professional education and research at the frontier of practice.

By combining legacy St George’s world-leading specialism in health and medicine with legacy City’s excellence in a breadth of disciplines including health, business, law, communications, policy and global affairs and science and technology, the merger has created opportunities to generate significant change in the world of healthcare through interdisciplinary working. This includes changes to treatment, population health monitoring, workforce development and leadership, policy, and advocacy.

The historic merger has immediately brought increased reach and scale, and in the longer term, will enable more investment in facilities, research and student experience than would be possible for two smaller, standalone universities.

Led by Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein and spread across three campuses in Clerkenwell, Moorgate and Tooting, City St George’s, University of London now educates more than 27,000 students from over 170 countries. The University is one of the largest higher education destinations for London students and one of the most significant suppliers of the health workforce in the capital.

Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein, President, comments: “There is now a bigger student community, access to greater resources and interdisciplinary opportunities, increased support and, over time, there will be more streamlined processes. The merger brings significant advantages of scale, reach, capability and resilience, ensuring the future success of the University.”

Sir Anthony said as both legacy institutions are highly ranked for student employability and research impact, this makes an even stronger offering for students and staff.

“Our students are at the heart of everything that we do, and we are committed – as the university for business, practice and the professions – to developing them as future leaders for the world of work. This commitment has only been strengthened by the merger.

“For staff and students, City St George’s will be an exciting place to study and to work. For our external stakeholders, we will offer greater opportunity for collaboration around research, teaching, professional training, innovation, partnerships and events,” adds Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein.

Professor Ian Jacobs, Chair of Council, comments: “The merger to create City St George’s University of London is a major event in UK higher education, which will deliver long term benefits for our students, staff and alumni as well as for the population of London and people across the nation.

“Bringing together these two historic universities, with proud traditions and complementary expertise, provides new opportunities to build the quality and impact of our work.

“As the university for business, practice and the professions our mission is to educate students who will have a positive impact in their careers, to undertake research of practical importance and to provide opportunity to all in our society.

“I am delighted to see the interactions already being developed across the merged university, linking health and medicine with business, arts, communications, policy, law, science and engineering. These are exciting times for City St George’s.”

Watch a video about the new brand.


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