Enabling breakthroughs and building foundations: The Office of Science’s 2024 year-in-review
The Office of Science’s accomplishments span a variety of areas, from the world’s largest camera for astrophysics to sequencing the sugarcane genome
DOE/US Department of Energy
image: Using data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, scientists have made the largest 3D map of our universe to date. The magnified section shows the underlying structure of matter in our universe.
Credit: Image courtesy of Claire Lamman/DESI collaboration; custom colormap package by cmastro
Major scientific discoveries and breakthroughs
Scientific user facilities enabled a Nobel awardee
David Baker from the University of Washington shared the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on protein design and computational analysis. Baker has a long-standing association with DOE’s Office of Science. His research drew on multiple capabilities at our user facilities, including the DOE’s X-ray light sources, neutron sources, supercomputers, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, and data resources such as the Protein Data Bank. Baker and his co-awardees have significantly advanced our ability to directly predict protein structures based solely on sequence data. This work has opened new avenues of research in designing proteins with new properties and functions, including those used in medical treatments.
Breakthroughs in the cosmic frontier
Researchers supported by the DOE’s Office of Science have used the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to make the largest 3D map of our universe. Scientists are using the data to measure how fast the universe has expanded over 11 billion years. The first year of data from DESI was released in April 2024. It was the first time scientists have measured the expansion history of the young universe with a precision better than 1 percent. It has given us our best view yet of the universe’s evolution. Since then, scientists analyzing this data set have found that the way galaxies cluster is consistent with our standard model of gravity and Einstein’s predictions of general relativity. This finding is helping scientists test possible explanations for our universe’s accelerating expansion. The project is led by DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).
Computer simulations can complement observational data like that from DESI. In November, researchers at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory used Frontier at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (a DOE Office of Science user facility) to run a new simulation. It was the largest astrophysical simulation of the universe ever conducted.
New genetic sequencing
The Joint Genome Institute (a DOE Office of Science user facility) completed the sequencing of the sugarcane genome. Sugarcane is a major renewable feedstock for making fuels, chemicals, and materials. It was also the last major crop without this type of genetic information available. This accomplishment advances our general understanding of plant biology and creates new opportunities for developing energy cane as a feedstock. Having the full genetic code has already allowed researchers to identify the location of genes that provide resistance to a devastating fungus called brown rust disease.
Enabling future research and technologies
A new way to produce superheavy elements
Researchers supported by the DOE’s Office of Science began a new chapter of superheavy element production, setting the stage to expand the Periodic Table of Elements. An international team led by scientists at DOE’s Berkeley Lab produced isotopes of the element livermorium (Lv) in only 22 days. They used a particle accelerator with beams of titanium ions and a plutonium target to produce isotopes of Lv, which has 116 protons. This level of production suggests that element 120 is within reach using a similar set-up. Discovering element 120 would test how many protons can bind in the atomic nucleus. As the first element in row 8 of the Periodic Table, element 120 could open the door to unforeseen innovation.
Advancements contributing to bioenergy production
The DOE Office of Science’s Bioenergy Research Centers made major advancements in the past year. Researchers at the Center for Bioenergy Innovation developed a new technique to transfer beneficial genes into plants. This method could allow scientists to more efficiently develop bioenergy crops. The technique won a 2024 R&D 100 award. Scientists at the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center used AI to accurately predict how yeast will grow on various surfaces. This information will help scientists maximize yeast’s growth and determine the best conditions in which to make biofuels and other bioproducts.
Predicted wind energy production with advanced observations
Lidar — Light Detection and Ranging – is a remote sensing method that uses a pulsed laser to measure how far matter is from the Earth’s surface. Lidar observations provide critical information on air movement in a section of the atmosphere called the boundary layer. Researchers used Doppler lidar data from five Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) scientific user facility sites to study rapid changes in wind speed. This analysis will help scientists better predict how much energy wind turbines will produce.
Produced new isotopes
The DOE Office of Science’s Isotope Program made significant strides towards reestablishing the U.S. as the dominant producer of medically and industrially important isotopes. This progress helps to reduce and eliminate our dependencies on other countries for these important isotopes. The Isotope Program restored DOE production of promethium-147 and is now the only known provider of it worldwide. The program also ramped up the production of cadmium-109, which will help reduce U.S. companies’ dependence on Russia. These isotopes are critical for medical imaging, nuclear batteries, and gauging thin film thicknesses across multiple industries.
Developed spherical powders that are enabling new applications for metals
With support from the DOE Office of Science’s Isotope Program, scientists from DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory developed a new process to make spherical powders. The process transforms large, irregular chunks of metal elements into uniform spherical particles. These particles act like tiny ball bearings rolling past each other, resulting in the ability to flow like liquid or be propelled by a gas. Once the metal is in this form, scientists can use additive manufacturing (3D printing) to fuse the particles into complex shapes. The process is useful for creating shapes that are hard to manufacture with traditional manufacturing techniques.
Building essential tools for discovery
Completed the world’s largest digital camera for astrophysics
After two decades of work, scientists and engineers at DOE’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and their collaborators completed construction on the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Camera. It is the largest digital camera ever built for astronomy or astrophysics. As part of the NSF-DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory, the 3,200-megapixel LSST Camera will help researchers better understand dark matter, dark energy, and other mysteries of our universe.
Introduced a new exascale supercomputer
In May, Aurora at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (a DOE Office of Science user facility) launched as the world’s second exascale supercomputer. The world’s third exascale computer – El Capitan at DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – debuted in November. With that launch, the top three spots in the TOP500 supercomputing list are DOE computers. Aurora is also described on the list as the computer best at using artificial intelligence.
Advanced Photon Source relaunched with new capabilities
In June, the Advanced Photon Source (APS) was fully upgraded to deliver a new era of science. The X-ray beams generated by the upgraded APS will be up to 500 times brighter than those of the original facility. They are hundreds of billions of times brighter than the X-ray beams in your dentist’s office. Using these beams, scientists will be able to peer inside thick materials to see what they are made of and how they behave, at spatial and time-scale resolutions previously impossible with X-rays.
Upgraded national laboratory facilities and buildings
- Seismic Safety and Modernization at Berkeley Lab: DOE and Berkeley Lab leaders broke ground for the Seismic Safety and Modernization project in August. The new building, designed as the centerpiece of the lab, replaces the 70-year-old cafeteria building. It includes features that provide seismic resilience, enhances safety and accessibility, and centralizes essential core activities.
- Electrical Capacity & Distribution Capability at Argonne: DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory completed the Electrical Capacity & Distribution Capability project. This high-voltage electrical upgrade greatly increased the reliability of Argonne’s electrical systems, reduced the chances of outages, and improved operational excellence. In coordination with local electric utility ComEd, the project installed more than two miles of transmission lines and constructed two new substations.
- Tritium Systems Demolition and Disposal at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory: DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory completed the Tritium Systems Demolition and Disposal project in September. This project removed and disposed of residual tritium contaminated equipment, ductwork, control equipment, and waste. The reduction in contamination in the facility created newly clean lab space for future work. It also greatly reduced the potential risks of worker exposure or off-site releases. Lastly, it decreased the operating costs associated with the surveillance and monitoring of tritium contamination.
- Translational Research Capability at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: The Translational Research Capability project delivered a state-of-the-art building at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in September. The 100,000-square foot, three-story building provides modern, flexible, and adaptable space. This new building will support groundbreaking advancements in computing, materials science, and fusion research.
Fostering partnerships and the scientific workforce
Established partnerships in fusion
DOE Office of Science’s Fusion Energy Sciences program took major steps this year to create a research ecosystem to kickstart fusion. The program selected eight teams for the Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program. This program aims to accelerate progress towards commercial fusion energy through a unique public-private partnership. The program also established the Inertial Fusion Energy program and announced the Inertial Fusion Energy Hubs. This forward-thinking initiative unites the best minds and capabilities across the DOE's national laboratories, academia, and industry. It positions the U.S. as a global leader in advancing fusion energy.
Launched apprenticeship programs and continued internships
The DOE Office of Science’s laboratories rely on a skilled workforce to maintain science-enabling laboratory technology and infrastructure.
Expanding on the apprenticeship program at DOE’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, the Office of Science formally launched an apprenticeship program. The program will support the development of a new generation of technicians with unique and sought-after skills such as welding, machining, plumbing, and cryogenics. The program is funded based on cost-sharing between DOE and the national laboratories.
The Office of Science continues to support its popular and effective internship programs: the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships program and the Community College Internships program. Three quarters (1,073) of the approximately 1,450 internships across DOE in summer 2024 were from those two Office of Science programs.
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