Feature Story | 16-Jan-2024

Emphasizing collective efforts for environmental, social, and governance management

The 6th Global Conference on ESG Management & Sustainability, recently held in South Korea, marks a significant step forward in fostering global collaboration for dealing with climate change and environmental crises for a sustainable future

Cactus Communications

Marking a milestone in global collaborative efforts, the “6th Global Conference on ESG Management & Sustainability” was recently held in Seoul, South Korea in November 2023. It saw the convergence of attendees from around the world to discuss environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management and sustainability to address the climate and environmental crises. The three-day conference, organized from November 28 to 30, 2023, was co-hosted by the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Sustainable Waste Management (SWM) program, the International ESG Association (IESGA), and the Korea University ESG Research Institute.

The conference was well attended, with 377 participants from 30 countries, including experts, scholars, practitioners, and corporates. The main objective of the conference was to provide a platform for diving deeper into the broader themes of sustainability and ESG principles, aiming to establish a global network of ESG experts, and fostering a collective understanding of ESG management.

Professors Yong Sik Ok and Jay Hyuk Rhee, both Presidents of the International ESG Association, served as chairpersons of the conference. Prof. SungYeon Hwang, Director of IESGA, chaired the Local Organizing Committee to ensure the seamless execution of the event. The IESGA Committee, comprising distinguished members, actively contributed to the conference's roaring success.

The conference opened with an inspiring welcome address by Jamil Ahmad, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), New York Office. This was followed by the prestigious IESGA Fellow Awards, presented to exemplary professionals who have made significant contributions in ESG management and sustainability. Prof. William Mitch (Stanford University, USA), Prof. Amir Amel-Zadeh (University of Oxford, UK), Prof. Scott X. Chang (University of Alberta, Canada), Prof. Ali Abbas (University of Sydney, Australia), and President Jörg Rinklebe (President of ISTEB, Germany) were felicitated for their esteemed contributions to ESG principles and sustainability.

The plenary sessions on the first day focused on exploring global trends and prospects for ESG management, with inputs from notable experts, such as Bruno Oberle, Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and Jong Soo Yoon, President of IUCN Korea National Committee. Prof. Chan-woo Kim, Former Ambassador for Climate Change and Government Representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the chair of the plenary session. Additionally, Prof. Yong Sik Ok, President of IESGA & Director at APRU Sustainable Waste Management Program, and other prominent scholars and practitioners further enriched the discussions with their insightful speeches.

The second day featured a riveting dialogue on sustainability with two eminent Chief Editors from Nature journals — Bronwyn Wake, Chief Editor of Nature Climate Change, and Jenn Richler, Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Psychology. Both showcased their expertise through valuable perspectives on the conference’s overarching themes chaired by Prof. Yong Sik Ok. This session was then followed by the Global ESG Lecture Series and the Japan-China-Korea (JCK) Forum, which included important discourses from key professionals on the improvement of ESG in Japan, China, and Korea.  

The final day of the conference continued with the Global ESG Lecture Series, along with sessions on sustainable plastic management and a masterclass on Nature journals. The Nature masterclass was conducted by the Chief Editors of Nature, Bronwyn Wake and Jenn Richler. The session on sustainable plastic management included experts and practitioners from renowned enterprises. Both of these sessions focused mainly on highlighting pragmatic solutions for addressing various environmental and sustainability challenges. In addition to these thematic discussions, APRU SWM also held its annual meeting on the third day, serving as a strategic platform for its members to engage in collaborative conversations and plan future initiatives for the upcoming year.

All in all, the 6th Global Conference on ESG Management & Sustainability provided participants with an open space for discussing pressing environmental issues, including challenges related to biodiversity and sustainable urban waste management, particularly the problem of plastic pollution. The enriching expert sessions and stimulating dialogues during the conference emphasized the global community's dedication towards advancing sustainable practices and shaping a sustainable future through collective endeavors.

Worth noting are the esteemed contributions of Prof. Yong Sik Ok and Prof. Jay Hyuk Rhee, along with the IESGA committee and the local conference organizing committee, for their exemplary leadership and tireless efforts in ensuring that the 6th Global Conference on ESG Management & Sustainability an undeniable success.



About the International ESG Association (IESGA)

The International ESG Association (IESGA) is a South Korea-based global knowledge network that helps Korean companies become more sustainable in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) space. The association was established in 2021, with Prof. Yong Sik Ok and Prof. Jay Hyuk Rhee from Korea University as founders and Co-Presidents. The association envisions promoting corporate sustainability by creating and disseminating cutting-edge ESG-related knowledge through the global network. Its mission is to build a global knowledge network for guiding ESG criteria, organize ESG-related academic seminars, provide consultancy services for ESG management and develop new ESG-related educational programs. For more information, visit IESGA’s website


Media contact:

Prof. Yong Sik Ok

Email ID: yongsikok@korea.ac.kr

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