Scientists use drones to land sensors onto glaciers threatened by climate change
Drone-delivered tech measures the real-time effects of climate change on the melting glaciers
University of Southampton
image: Drone carrying sensor
Credit: University of Southampton
Scientist have unveiled a new climate change-monitoring sensor which can be airlifted onto icy glaciers using drones to measure the impact of global warming.
The device, built by experts from the University of Southampton, can be flown for miles and land directly onto glaciers which are usually be impossible to reach by humans.
The scientific team have already deployed two of the sensors in Iceland to assess melting ice and its contribution to rising sea levels.
Professor Kirk Martinez, from the University of Southampton team, said the tech is the first of its kind to examine the precise movement of glaciers.
He added: “These sensors are lightweight enough to be delivered by drone to give us access to places which are usually unreachable manually. We have already begun receiving data daily which shows changes in the glacier’s behaviour and its fluctuations in velocity.”
The scientists behind the device are now inspecting the findings from the two sensors that have been flown to freezing conditions in Iceland.
The team are also aiming to use the sensors in other locations worldwide, said Professor of Geography Jane K Hart also from the University of Southampton.
She added: “Glaciers are like the canaries as they provide us with a warning sign for climate change. The sensors we are landing on the glaciers provide a new way of observing their behaviour.
"The drones do not mind the cold – in the summer Iceland is typically 10 to 14 degrees Celsius - and we added a release mechanism to give us control to let go of the thin rope carrying the sensor once it was safely placed on the ice. The sensor's battery is solar charged so will not work under zero degrees so we've been busy positioning the sensors before winter arrives.”
Read more about the project at
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