APP distribution is altered in Alzheimer's disease (IMAGE)
1- APP protein distribution is altered in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Images show sections of human hippocampus labeled against APP (brown) (A, C) and zooms to the neuronal layer of the dentate gyrus (B, D). In control patients, APP is mainly localized in the soma of neurons (A, B). In AD patients, APP is mainly localized in aggregates outside the soma (C, D). 2- Accumulation of APP and presynaptic proteins around amyloid plaques. Panel A) shows a human hippocampus from an AD patient. Amyloid plaques are seen in purple (amyloid fibrils) and red (amyloid peptide). Accumulations of APP (green) can be observed in their close environment. An inset shows a zoom in on a plaque. Panel B) shows accumulations of presynaptic proteins (orange) around amyloid plaques (blue).
© Gael Barthet
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