Figure 1 (IMAGE) Tokyo Medical and Dental University Caption A. Overview of POLArIS structure. Green, Circular-permutant of superfolder GFP (cpGFP); Yellow, Adhiron (Affimer); Gray, α-helical linker connecting cpGFP and Adhiron; Blue and orange, Target binding loops. B. Enlarged picture of the region of dashed-line box in A. cpGFP and Adhiron are rigidly connected by an α-helical linker. C. Enlarged picture of the region of solid-line box in A. The orientation of fluorescence polarization of POLArIS reflects the orientation of transition dipole moment of fluorophore indicated by the magenta double-headed arrow. D. Purified POLArIS protein that specifically binds to F-actin was added to actin filaments reconstituted in vitro, and was observed with fluorescence polarization microscopy. Left: Fluorescence image. White scale bar, 1 μm. Right: Polarization state of fluorescence spots in the left picture was analyzed. Orientation and length of yellow bars indicate the orientation and the strength of fluorescence polarization, respectively. Yellow scale bar, polarization factor=0.5. Credit Department of Neuroanatomy and Cellular Neurobiology,TMDU Usage Restrictions None License Licensed content Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.