Figure 2 (IMAGE) Tokyo Medical and Dental University Caption A. Live-cell fluorescence polarization imaging of the first cleavage of a starfish embryo expressing POLArIS that specifically binds to F-actin. Vertical and horizontal actin filaments are shown in magenta and green, respectively. FLARE structures made of radially extending actin filaments were observed as cross-patterns of magenta and green. Scale bar, 50μm. B. A starfish embryo in the first cleavage was fixed, stained with fluorescent-dye-conjugated phalloidin (stains F-actin) and anti-tubulin antibody (stains microtubules), and observed with confocal laser scanning microscope. Yellow circles, regions of FLARE structure; Red circles, regions of astral microtubules; green box, mitotic spindle; orange arrows, centrosomes. Scale bar, 100 μm. Credit Department of Neuroanatomy and Cellular Neurobiology, TMDU Usage Restrictions None License Licensed content Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.