Fig. 3 (IMAGE)
Testing conditions: (a) The LiDAR and monocular cameras are blocked to ensure only specific sensors are utilized. Note that the IMU is always utilized. (b) There are three patterns for the complexity of the environment. Wall: a white wall with few visual features; Shelf corner: includes books in a bookshelf providing several visual features, as the red dots show. Crowded: the environment includes miscellaneous clutter to increase the visual features. (c) Different brightness levels. 7 lux is the expected brightness in a movie theater, whereas 200 lux is a well-lit office space. (d) Different movement types. The XY-stage is specially designed to conduct repeatable experiments on the floor plane.
2024 Yamaguchi et al., Experience: Practical Challenges for Indoor AR Applications, ACM MobiCom '24
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