Composite images of SS 433 showing three different gamma-ray energy ranges (IMAGE)
Composite images of SS 433 showing three different gamma-ray energy ranges. In green, radio observations display the Manatee Nebula with the microquasar visible as a bright dot near the center of the image. Solid lines show the outline of the x-ray emis-sion from the central regions and the large scale jets after their reappearance. Red colors represent the gamma-ray emission detected by H.E.S.S. at a) low (0.8-2.5 TeV, left), b) in-termediate (2.5-10 TeV, middle) and c) high (>10 TeV, right) energies. The position of the gamma-ray emission shifts further from the central launching site as the energy decreases.
Background: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss; NASA’s Wide Field Survey Ex-plorer (WISE); X-Ray (green contours): ROSAT/M. Brinkmann; TeV (red colors): H.E.S.S. collaboration.
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