The performance of the heterogeneous integrated photodiodes on TFLN Platform. (IMAGE)
(a) measured (blue circle) and simulated (black dash line) responsivities of the devices with different lengths. (b) Transit-time-limited bandwidth (blue solid line), RC-limited bandwidth (red solid line), total bandwidth (black dash line), and measured bandwidth of the devices with various active areas (black circle). (c) Measured bit error rates (BERs) versus the received optical power for 32 Gbaud PAM4 signal. (d) Eye diagrams and measured waveforms of the PAM4 signal with 10, 20, and 32 Gbaud.
by Chao Wei, Youren Yu, Ziyun Wang, Lin Jiang, Zhongming Zeng, Jia Ye, Xihua Zou, Wei Pan, Xiaojun Xie, and Lianshan Yan
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