News Release

ChatGPT-authored Japanese writing can be stylistically distinguished with up to 100% accuracy from human-authored text by machine learning algorithms

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Distinguishing ChatGPT(-3.5, -4)-generated and human-written papers through Japanese stylometric analysis

image: ChatGPT-authored Japanese writing can be stylistically distinguished with up to 100% accuracy from human-authored text by machine learning algorithms. view more 

Credit: Alexandra_Koch, Pixabay, CC0 (

ChatGPT-authored Japanese writing can be stylistically distinguished with up to 100% accuracy from human-authored text by machine learning algorithms


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Article Title: Distinguishing ChatGPT(-3.5, -4)-generated and human-written papers through Japanese stylometric analysis

Author Countries: Japan

Funding: This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K12726. The funders did not participate in this study design, data collection, analysis, or decision to publish, except their role in paying the English proofreading and Publication Fee.

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