image: Launch of the Polyphenols Innovation Network (PIN) view more
Credit: Polyphenols Applications
Malta – We are delighted to announce the launch of the Polyphenols Innovation Network (PIN), a pioneering initiative designed to accelerate progress in the field of polyphenols research by fostering a collaborative and innovative environment.
Under the banner of PIN, our mission is to assemble a diverse team of multidisciplinary experts, committed to advancing the frontiers of polyphenols research, applications, and innovation.
Projects of PIN:
Three pioneering projects have been earmarked for initiation under the auspices of PIN:
1. AI and Polyphenols: This project will utilize AI's power to delve deeper into the understanding and utilization of polyphenols, aiming to develop predictive models for identifying novel therapeutic polyphenols and optimizing their formulations.
2. Space Food & Polyphenols: This project centers on creating polyphenol-enriched space food to boost astronauts' nutrition and well-being during space missions.
3. Longevity and Polyphenols: Our focus here is on exploring the role of polyphenols in promoting longevity and preventing age-related diseases. We aim to uncover the molecular mechanisms through which polyphenols exert their beneficial effects on lifespan and healthspan.
The Polyphenols Innovation Network is dedicated to securing necessary resources from public and private institutions to support these groundbreaking efforts.
We invite interested researchers and teams to join PIN by submitting their project proposals to by August 31.
Submissions should include a project overview, its alignment with PIN's goals, anticipated challenges and proposed solutions, and a team profile. Proposals will be evaluated by our Selection Committee, and successful applicants will be invited to participate in the next phase of our initiative.
More information about the Polyphenols Innovation Network, funding, submission guidelines and more.
Successful applicants will be chose to integrate the PIN during the 16th World Congress on Polyphenols Application 2023 (September 28-29, Malta).