News Release

ASPB Journals launch Author Travel Awards

Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell pledge to help published authors present their science

Grant and Award Announcement

American Society of Plant Biologists

ASPB, Plant Physiology, and The Plant Cell Logos

image: Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell are leading international plant science journals published by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB). view more 

Credit: ASPB

ROCKVILLE, MD - Authors whose work has been published in Plant Physiology or The Plant Cell, leading international society journals published by the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), have a new option to support their travel to share their research with the scientific community. Funded by Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell, US$1,000 travel awards will be awarded to authors who have received invitations to give an oral presentation at any conference or scientific meeting around the world. Five US$1,000 awards are available in 2023 with more awards anticipated for 2024 and beyond.

“We are very excited to provide this support for authors,” said Yunde Zhao, Editor-in-Chief of Plant Physiology. “As a scientist, being able to present your work is so important, and these travel awards will help authors whose travel costs act as a barrier for them being able to accept invitations to present.”

To be eligible, authors must have had a paper accepted for publication in Plant Physiology or The Plant Cell within 24 months prior to the date of application. Applicants must complete an online form, upload the title and abstract of their conference submission, and include a brief statement about how their conference submission relates to their published Plant Physiology or The Plant Cell paper. Applications must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the event and are reviewed on a rolling basis.

“With this program, our goal is to increase the number of Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell authors presenting their work in the scientific community,” said Blake Meyers, Editor-in-Chief of The Plant Cell. “We are focused on providing funds for those in financial need and increasing the representation of plant biology speakers at scientific events.”

Eligible applicants may apply here. More information about the program can be found here.

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ASPB is a professional scientific association devoted to the advancement of the plant sciences worldwide. With a membership of some 3,000 plant scientists from throughout the United States and around the world, the Society publishes two of the most widely cited plant science journals, The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology, and co-publishes the open access journal Plant Direct. ASPB also hosts the annual Plant Biology conference; supports plant science outreach, engagement, and advocacy; and powers the Plantae digital ecosystem for plant scientists. Learn more  about ASPB at

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