News Release

Study deciphers the biosynthetic pathway of the antidepressant orcinol glucoside from the plant Curculigo orchioides and engineers the production of orcinol glucoside in the biotech-friendly yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, with yields over 6,400-fold higher th

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Study deciphers the biosynthetic pathway of the antidepressant orcinol glucoside from the plant Curculigo orchioides and engineers the production of orcinol glucoside in the biotech-friendly yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, with yields over 6,400

image: Golden-eyed Grass (Curculigo orchioides) view more 

Credit: Paulmathi Vinod, iNaturalist (CC-BY 4.0,

Study deciphers the biosynthetic pathway of the antidepressant orcinol glucoside from the plant Curculigo orchioides and engineers the production of orcinol glucoside in the biotech-friendly yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, with yields over 6,400-fold higher than that extracted from its natural plant source


In your coverage, please use this URL to provide access to the freely available paper in PLOS Biology:

Article Title: Production of the antidepressant orcinol glucoside in Yarrowia lipolytica with yields over 6,400-fold higher than plant extraction

Author Countries: China

Funding: see manuscript

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