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Credit: DOE's Jefferson Lab
WASHINGTON, DC – Jefferson Sciences Associates (JSA) has announced the award of $558,060 through its JSA Initiatives Fund Program. The program supports projects by staff and scientific users at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The FY23 program awards leveraged over $800,000 in matching funds, and taken together, the program and matching awards total over $1.3 million. Project awards include scientific meeting support, education and career development, and outreach activities, all of which support the lab’s mission.
Jefferson Lab is a world-leading nuclear physics research facility in Newport News, Va. More than 1,850 scientists from around the world use the lab’s unique particle accelerator to conduct experiments to expand our understanding of the visible universe.
JSA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA), manages and operates Jefferson Lab for DOE’s Office of Science. The JSA Initiatives Fund Program is funded annually, so that Jefferson Lab and its scientific users may engage more effectively in educational, scientific, technical and outreach activities. These activities contribute to the lab’s overall ability to accomplish its mission.
According to JSA Board Chair and SURA President & CEO Sean Hearne, the JSA Initiatives Fund Program is an investment that returns immense value to the lab, its user community and DOE.
“Fellowships, research grants, and K-12 projects further the education and training of the scientific leaders of the future. Over the past three decades this program has provided over 250 graduate fellowships enabling students to perform their research projects at Jefferson Lab,” Hearne said.
Program awards may be made to Jefferson Lab employees or members of the Jefferson Lab Users Organization. JLUO members are the scientific users who conduct their research at the lab. More than two-thirds of the Initiatives Fund Program awards are in support of the JLUO, including support for the Annual JLUO Meeting at which the JLUO poster prizes, thesis prize, and postdoc research grant are announced.
“JSA Initiatives Fund awards support more than 100 students and postdocs annually to attend and participate in scientific meetings, conferences and workshops, both here at the lab and off-site. Participation at these events not only develops the individual participants, but most importantly, provides networking and outreach opportunities for the lab’s impactful science program,” said Jefferson Lab Director Stuart Henderson.
The FY23 Initiatives Fund Program awards include:
Director’s Discretionary Funds, $115,000
JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowships, $108,000
Economic Impact Study, $40,000
JLab Science Activities for Teachers (JSAT), $32,500
JSA/JLab Sabbatical/Research Leave Support, $27,000
JSA/JLab Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship, $21,600
Junior Scientist Travel Support, $20,000
Undergraduate Support in Jefferson Lab Research, $19,800
Nuclear Physics Hill Day and Other Congressional Visits, $12,500
HUGS (Hampton University Graduate Studies program) International Fellowship for Graduate Students in Developing Countries, $11,060
JLUO (Jefferson Lab Users Organization) Annual Meeting, $11,000
JSA Post Doctoral Fellow Research Grant, $10,825
EIC (Electron-Ion Collider) Early Career Workshop, $10,000
Accelerator Applications Conference, $10,000
Spin Symposium (SPIN 2023), $10,000
Building Public Recognition, $10,000
JLab Computing Workshop, $9,000
JLUO Satellite Meeting at APS/DNP Conferences, $9,000
Accelerator Physics Education Outreach with Mexican Universities, $8,800
Graduate Student and Post Doc Association Activities, $6,700
Frontiers and Careers Workshop, $6,000
JLUO Awards: Thesis Prize, Poster Awards, $5,675
Honoraria for Foreign PAC (Program Advisory Committee) Members, $5,600
Nathan Isgur Theoretical Fellowship Research Grant, $5,000
Hermann Grunder Fellowship Research Grant, $5,000
Nathan Isgur Experimental Fellowship Research Grant, $5,000
Light-Cone (LC2023), $5,000
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), $4,000
JLUO Board Business Travel, $4,000
Toward Improved Hadron Femtography with Hard Exclusive Reactions, $3,000
Next Generation Streaming Readout Systems Workshop, $3,000
Extra Child Care (ExCARE), $2,500
Precision Tests of Fundamental Physics with Light Mesons, $1,500
Since 2006, the JSA Initiatives Fund Program has supported over 470 projects. The JSA funds support programs, initiatives and activities that further the scientific outreach, and promote the science, education and technology missions of Jefferson Lab in ways that complement its basic and applied research focus. Program funds also support activities of the laboratory’s extended user community.
The program is managed and administered by SURA. Funding decisions are made by individuals from SURA, JSA, Jefferson Lab, and the Jefferson Lab scientific user community.
Contact: Elizabeth Lawson, SURA Chief of Laboratory Operations, 202-408-2410,
Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, manages and operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, or Jefferson Lab, for the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science. JSA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Southeastern Universities Research Association, Inc. (SURA).
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