In the article titled “Trans and Living in Prison: A First-Person Perspective,” Ruth Utnage describes her experience in prison as a transgender woman. Her attempts to get appropriate medical and mental health care are described in a special issue on Transgender Health and Corrections in the Journal of Correctional Health Care. Click here to read the issue now.
Ms. Utnage writes openly about her experiences in custody and the treatment she received. “The environment that the state correctional system created and imposed upon me was incredibly threatening and traumatizing,” she writes. After many years she was able to pursue hormonal treatment.
Also in this issue of Journal of Correctional Health Care, Kristy Clark, PhD, MPH, from Vanderbilt University, and coauthors, examine the “oppression-to-incarceration cycle” of Black American and indigenous (First Nations) Australian trans women. Black American and First Nations Australian trans women are overrepresented in prisons relative to White and non-Indigenous cisgender and trans people. “This high burden of incarceration among trans women is produced in part by the disproportional experiences of discrimination, violence, and victimization trans women face across their lifespan,” state the authors.
In the current study, the authors developed a conceptual model demonstrating how interlocking forces of oppression collectively inform, maintain, and exacerbate pathways to incarceration, incarceration experiences, and post-release experiences.
Journal of Correctional Health Care Editor-in-Chief Amy Harzke, DrPH, MPH, MDiv, from University of Texas Medical Branch, states: “Understanding the experiences of transgender and gender diverse people ultimately serves as the foundation for quality, gender-affirming health care, and respectful correctional treatment. Policy changes and their implementation are driven and sustained as much by empathy and ethics as by evidence.
About the Journal
The Journal of Correction Health Care is the only national, peer-reviewed scientific journal to focus the latest research and developments in clinical care for chronic and infectious disease, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, health services management, quality improvement, medical records, medical-legal issues, discharge planning, staffing, cost analysis and other topics as they relate to correctional health care. Complete tables of contents and a sample issue may be viewed on the Journal of Correction Health Care website.
About the Publisher
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a global media company dedicated to creating, curating, and delivering impactful peer-reviewed research and authoritative content services to advance the fields of biotechnology and the life sciences, specialized clinical medicine, and public health and policy. For complete information, please visit the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. website.
Journal of Correctional Health Care
Method of Research
Case study
Subject of Research
Article Title
Improving Access to Legal Gender Affirmation for Transgender Women Involved in the Criminal–Legal System