News Release

Surya Nurzaman, Ph.D. appointed Editor-in-Chief of Robotics Reports

Business Announcement

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

Robotics Reports

image: Journal devoted to the broad field of robotics. view more 

Credit: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers


Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. announces the appointment of Surya Nurzaman, PhD as Editor-in-Chief of Robotics Reports, a new peer-reviewed open access journal launching in 2023.

According to Dr. Nurzaman, “Robotics has become a multidisciplinary field of study, where it is a must to bring together insights from various disciplines ranging from physics and biology to mechanical engineering and computer science.  A multidisciplinary robotics journal that is committed to rapid publication of high-  quality articles is therefore more important now than ever.”

Publishing entirely Open Access, Robotics Reports will provide roboticists a with a meaningful open forum to present innovative applied and theoretical research. This academic open access journal seeks to publish research and review articles, commentaries, perspectives, and reports on the broad range of topics encompassed by robotics including, but not limited to, soft robotics, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, biomedical and surgical robotics, autonomous machines, software, industrial robotics, and human-robot interaction.

Surya G. Nurzaman PhD is a Senior Lecturer at Monash University Malaysia. His research interests include soft robotics, bio-inspired robotics, embodied intelligence, machine learning and dynamical systems. He obtained his PhD from Osaka University in 2011 with the support of the Monbukagakusho scholarship from the Japanese government. Dr. Nurzaman’s researches the development of intelligent machines beyond the current technological advances in terms of flexibility, adaptability, and other related aspects like safe interaction and energy efficiency. The approaches taken in his lab focus on the principles found in biological systems that shows the importance of their embodied intelligence due to soft and flexible bodies. A more complete biography can be found here.

In addition to Dr. Nurzaman, Mary Ann Liebert is also excited to announce the Associate Editors for Robotics Reports. Working with the Editor-in-Chief will be eight leading robotics researchers whose areas of expertise cover the wide range of topics the journal will publish. They are: Dr. Darwin Caldwell (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy), Dr. Kris Dorsey (Northeastern University, USA), Dr. Adriano Fagiolini (University of Palermo, Italy), Dr. David Howard (CSIRO, Australia), Dr. Fumiya Iida (University of Cambridge, UK), Dr. Shuhei Ikemoto (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Dr. Amir Jafari (University of North Texas, USA), Dr. Jovana Jovanova (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Dr. Yoshio Matsumoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Dr. Jesús Ortiz (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy), Dr. Murat Reis (Bursu Uludag University, Turkey), Skylar Tibbits (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Dr. Barry Trimmer (Tufts University, USA), and Dr. Vishesh Vikas (University of Alabama, USA).

Researchers in the field are invited to submit directly to the journal. The primary article types considered will be research articles and review papers, though commentaries, perspectives, reports, and methods papers will also be considered. Robotics Reports will ensure rigorous peer review and quick turn-around time for authors.

About the Publisher

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, The CRISPR Journal, Human Gene Therapy, Stem Cells and Development, and Cellular Reprogramming. Its biotechnology trade magazine, GEN (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News), was the first in its field and is today the industry’s most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firms more than 100 journals, books, and trade publications is available on the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers website.




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