News Release

TB vaccination could be overall cost-effective in 73 of 105 LMICs (70%) and produce economic benefits of US $474 billion by 2050, per modelling study by researchers at Harvard, LSHTM, the WHO and IAVI

Peer-Reviewed Publication


TB vaccination could be overall cost-effective in 73 of 105 LMICs (70%) and produce economic benefits of US $474 billion by 2050, per modelling study by researchers at Harvard, LSHTM, the WHO and IAVI

image: Incremental net monetary benefit of novel tuberculosis vaccines assessed from the societal perspective, for several willingness-to-pay thresholds. Note: Estimates include the iNMB from the countries that are cost-effective at the respective threshold. GDP per capita estimates from 2020. GDP, gross domestic product per capita; iNMB, incremental net monetary benefit. view more 

Credit: Portnoy A, et al., 2023, PLOS Medicine, CC-BY 4.0 (

In your coverage, please use this URL to provide access to the freely available paper in PLOS Medicine:

Article Title: The cost and cost-effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study

Author Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, China

Funding: see manuscript

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