image: AMI's new journal "Sustainable Microbiology" view more
Credit: Appplied Microbiology International
Applied Microbiology International (AMI) is proud to announce the launch of its new journal, Sustainable Microbiology, in partnership with Oxford University Press. This international, peer-reviewed publication will showcase original scientific and policy contributions on research examining the role of microbes in achieving a sustainable world.
The journal will present high-quality papers on how microbiologists play an important role in achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. Sustainable Microbiology will also demonstrate how microbiology has a direct link to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressing food security, One Health, sanitation, environmental degradation, and climate change.
Led by Editor-in-Chief, David A. Pearce, Professor of Environmental Microbiology at Northumbria University, Sustainable Microbiology is a fully open access journal and the first new journal launched by the organisation since Microbial Biotechnology in 2008. The journal will also be AMI’s first journal to publish policy papers alongside research and reviews.
Professor Pearce said: “Applied microbiology has a key role to play in working towards a more sustainable future, and so Sustainable Microbiology is looking forward to welcoming submissions from scientists, policy makers and practitioners in which authors present their work in a way that specifically showcases how microbiology can contribute towards the UN SDGs.”
Visit the new website to find out more and submit your work.
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For more information, contact Kathryn Spiller at
Notes to editors
Applied Microbiology International (AMI) is the oldest microbiology society in the UK and with more than half of its membership outside the UK, is truly global, serving microbiologists based in universities, private industry and research institutes around the world.
AMI provides funding to encourage research and broad participation at its events and to ensure diverse voices are around the table working together to solve the sustainability development goals it has chosen to support.
AMI publishes leading industry magazine, The Microbiologist, and in partnership with Wiley and Oxford University Press, publishes six internationally acclaimed journals.
It gives a voice to applied microbiologists around the world, amplifying their collective influence and informing international, evidence-based, decision making.