News Release

Gorillas and orangutans may be economically rational but also have pre-existing cognitive biases, according to risk-based decision making experiments

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Gorillas and orangutans may be economically rational but also have pre-existing cognitive biases, according to risk-based decision making experiments

image: Orangutan training view more 

Credit: M. Torben Weber, CC-BY 4.0 (

Gorillas and orangutans may be economically rational but also have pre-existing cognitive biases, according to risk-based decision making experiments.


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Article Title: Rationality and cognitive bias in captive gorillas’ and orang-utans’ economic decision-making

Author Countries: Scotland, Switzerland, Taiwan

Funding: This work was supported with funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant PZ00P3_154741 (CDD), 310030_185324 (KZ), and NCCR Evolving Language (Agreement #51NF40_180888 (KZ)), and the Taipei Medical University (Startup-funding, grant 108-6402-004-112 (CDD)). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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