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Credit: Seoul National University
November 16-17, World-renowned experts will join the 2022 International Care Conference at Seoul National University to discuss the future of care economy through the lenses of gender, international migration and development, and deep dive into the ongoing ‘care crisis’ caused by declining fertility rates and increasing aging societies.
main conference on November 17 is open to public, and will also be livestreamed via Youtube (pre-registration is required).
□ The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (, hereafter referred to CTMS) will host the 2022 International Care Conference | Aging Societies and Care Economy: Gender, Transnational Migration, and Development. This event, co-hosted by Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies-KOICA Development Cooperation Policy Program (DCPP), and the Korean Association of Women’s Studies (KAWS) will take place on November 16-17, simultaneously at the Seoul National University and Youtube with both online and offline presence.
□ This International Care Conference highlights various research results related to care reality and related policies in Korea and overseas, and seeks ways to overcome the care crisis caused by low fertility rate and aging in conjunction with ▲ gender ▲ international migration ▲ development issues.
□ There will be a multifaceted discussion on migrant care workers, which has recently been highlighted as an issue in response to the ultra-low fertility rate and an aging society in Korea. Research results will be shared including the level of demand for migrant care workers such as childcare workers and foreign caregivers from Southeast Asia in Korea, and the view of households in need of care on migrant care workers. Research will also examine the economic impacts and effects of implementing migrant care worker schemes, reflecting on other countries’ experiences.
▷ On the 17th (Thursday), the session "Care crisis in Korea and Migrant care work" will be held. This session will include the keynote speech on the topic of "Transnational and Global Migration of Care Workers: Social and Economic Perspectives " (Ito Peng, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Canada), The Economic Significance of Migrant Care Work' (Jooyeon Suh, Research Associate, Centre for Time Use Research, University College London, UK),’What Do Families with Care Responsibilities Want? Korean People’s Perspectives on Migrant Care Workers’ (Senior Research Fellow, CTMS, Seoul National University)
□ We will also focus on the experiences and perspectives of young people on care and population transition as the attitudes and thoughts of future generations are important in designing policies for the aging society. On the 17th, Dr. Hyuna Moon at CTMS will discuss “the Present and Future of Young Adults’ Engagement with Care”.
□ We will also discuss the reality of care in Mongolia and Sri Lanka and their efforts to build a care economy, exploring the possibility of cooperation between Asian countries and the current status of "Care Work in Asia."
▷ On November 16th (Wednesday), Otgontugs Banzragch, Professor of Economics at National University of Mongolia, will present on the topic of “Measuring the Care Economy in Mongolia”, and Dileni Gunewardena, Professor of Economics at University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, will present about "The Care Work and the Economy in Sri Lanka"
□ Participants from overseas are as follows:
▷ Maria Floro, an emeritus professor at American University, is a scholar in the field of global care economy. She consistently publishes research on how to deal with issues of gender and care in order to continue to develop in the face of low fertility and aging societies and has recently studied the impact of Korea's care infrastructure on macroeconomic development through the Care Work and the Economy international project. Professor Floro will be the panelist for Session 2 on the Wednesday16th.
▷ Elizabeth King, a senior research fellow at the Brookings Institution, is the former vice president and chief economist at the World Bank. At the World Bank, she has greatly contributed to the establishment of global policies and strategy development in the fields of care economy, labor market, and human resource development. The Brookings Institute is conducting research to measure the current state of care work and the value of care work around the world, and to establish a sustainable care system. King will be the moderator of the 'Asia’s Care Economy' session on Wednesday, the 16th. ▷ Ito Peng, professor at the University of Toronto in Canada, is a world-renowned expert in the field of research on international migration and care work in East Asia. She is currently the director of the Centre for Global Social Policy at the University of Toronto and research director at the Care Economics in Context project, which compares and analyzes the situation of care work in nine countries including Korea, Canada, and Italy. Professor Peng is an expert on migrant care labor and care policy in Asia, particularly in Japan and Taiwan, and in her keynote speech, scheduled for Thursday 17th, she provides in-depth insights on the impact of migrant care labor issues within the Korean society.
▷ Marina Durano is an economist specializing in international development and care economy and an advisor for care economy and partnership development at the United Nations International Trade Union Network. She has served as senior program officer at the Open Society Foundations in the United States, where she has worked to bring tangible change for building caring societies by connecting academia and the field. On the 17th (Thursday), she will give a keynote speech on the topic of ‘Feminist Development Policy and Caring Economy’.
▷ Emiko Ochiai, professor of sociology at Kyoto University, Japan, is a renowned Japanese sociologist who has conducted extensive research on the welfare state, migration, care, and family policy as an expert in family and gender studies. In particular, through her in-depth introduction to the reality and policy direction of care work in Japan, she has provided many implications and lessons to be learned for the Korean society. She will participate in Session 1 as a panelist on Thursday the 17th.
▷ Otgontugs Banzragch is a Professor of Economics at National University of Mongolia. She worked as a Vice-Dean and Dean at the National University of Mongolia for about 6 years. Her research and publications are mainly in the area of economics of education, household consumption, poverty, inequality, and gender bargaining power.
▷ Dileni Gunewardena is the Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Her research includes empirical analyses of human capital, gender and labour markets, ethnic inequality, poverty, and child nutrition. She is a PEP Research Fellow and a Research Associate at Verité Research.
□ The 16th (Wednesday) program is for invitees only, and the 17th (Thursday) program is open to public (online and offline). However, the number of people attending the site (Hoam Faculty House Mugunghwa Hall) will be limited to around 60 people. Simultaneous English-Korean interpretation is provided for all sessions.
▷ If you want to find out more about the contents on the 16th (Wed), please contact us.
▷For the 17th, please register for youtube link or in-person participation: Click here for pre-registration of the program on Thursday 17th
□ Ki-Soo Eun, Director of the Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (Professor of Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University) explains the significance of this conference: “The ultra-low fertility rate and aging population are concerns not only in Korea but also in the global society. The 2022 International Care Conference will be a venue to share various research results and expert suggestions on the care economy, gender, youth, and international migration.” The 2022 International Care Conference is sponsored by POSCO and the Open Society Foundations (OSF).