image: APS Fellowship awarded to Maia G. Vergniory view more
Credit: Fotographer: Ana RUZI, ©Donostia International Physics Centerreko (DIPC
Maia G. Vergniory, a researcher in our department of Solid State Chemistry/at the Max Planck for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, has recently been elected as APS Fellow by the American Physical Society (APS) for her pioneering work developing a new theory known as Topological Quantum Chemistry that has allowed to identify thousands of new topological materials.
Topological materials represent the second revolution in quantum physics, since they violate the classification of matter that we have been considering, showing antagonistic properties inside and on its surface. In this way, they are insulators inside but they conduct the electric current at their edges with hardly any dissipation and with a constant conductivity.
Thanks to these fascinating behaviors, their technological potential is overwhelming, among others, they are ideal platforms for dissipation devices, solar cells, detectors and for the construction of universal quantum computers.