News Release

Researchers created a "Virtual Labrador" to explore how humans behave around aggressive and non-reactive dogs in virtual reality

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The main menu of the DAVE application.

image: The main menu of the DAVE application. view more 

Credit: Oxley et al., 2022, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (

Researchers created a "Virtual Labrador" to explore how humans behave around aggressive and non-reactive dogs in virtual reality


Article URL:

Article Title: A pilot study investigating human behaviour towards DAVE (Dog Assisted Virtual Environment) and interpretation of non-reactive and aggressive behaviours during a virtual reality exploration task

Author Countries: UK

Funding: Received award: CW and JAO Funder: Dogs Trust ( Grant: Canine Welfare Grant. The funder (Dogs Trust) only reviewed the draft manuscript to ensure it was appropriate standard prior to submission, but played no role in the study design data, collection and/or analysis.

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