News Release

Targeting Mitochondria World Congress will be held at the Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt in Berlin

Meeting Announcement

Mitochondria-Microbiota Task Force

The 13th Annual Meeting of the World Mitochondria Society on Targeting Mitochondria will be held on October 26-28 at the Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt in Berlin, Germany, and online.

Professor Douglas C. Wallace, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA, will introduce the meeting on October 27 with a keynote talk on: “Mitochondrial Medicine: Present and Future”. He is a geneticist and evolutionary biologist who founded the field of mitochondrial medicine 40 years ago. He investigates the role of mitochondria in human evolution, health, and disease.

Targeting Mitochondria 2022 will cover the following sessions:

  • Mitochondrial Dysfunctions and Dynamics in Chronic Diseases
  • Mitochondria Transplantation and Transfer
  • Extracellular Vesicles & Mitochondria: The Target
  • Nuclear-Mitochondrial Interactions and their Effect on Longevity and Health
  • Translational Therapies - Focus on Infrared Therapies
  • WMS Challenges in the Acceleration of Mitochondrial Medicine

Among the hot topics that will be addressed during Targeting Mitochondria 2022: Extracellular Vesicles and Mitochondria, with the following speakers:

Devika S Manickam, Duquesne University, USA – EV-Mitochondria as a Promising Therapeutic for Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Marc Germain, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada – The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Mitochondrial Quality Control Mechanisms

Nicole Noren Hooten, NIH, USA – Mitochondria in Extracellular Vesicles and Aging

Anna Krasnodembskaya, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom – The Impact of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Extracellular Vesicles on Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Ines Khadimallah, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland – Mitochondrial Exosomal miR137-COX6A2 in Schizophrenia

Access to all 28 major speakers.

Access to all attendees.

Access to full agenda.


Abstracts Submission and Deadlines:

  • Early Bird Registration: August 31
  • Short Oral Presentation Submission: October 7
  • Poster Presentation Submission: October 14

Submit your abstract.

Participants will be nominated to win our famous annual awards:

  • Best Mitochondria Image
  • Best Oral Presentation
  • Best Poster Presentation Awards


About the venue and hotel:

Targeting Mitochondria Committee offers to the congress attendees a special privileged rate for booking at Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt Hotel – before August 30. More information about the booking.


You can find more information on the attendees, speakers, agenda, registration and many more on the website:

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