The textbook “Environmental Law in the Russian Federation” on environmental law is a comprehensive study of the current state of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation. The textbook consists of three sections. It gives a definition of environmental law, formulates its principles, considers the sources of environmental law, environmental legal relations, clarifies the issues of ownership of natural resources, the content and peculiarities of the protection of environmental human and civil rights, characterizes the peculiarities of management in the field of environmental protection, the distinguishing features of economic regulation in the area of environmental protection as well as issues of responsibility for environmental offenses.
The book “Environmental Law in the Russian Federation” sets forth the main environmental requirements for certain types of economic and other human activities, peculiarities of environmental protection in areas with a special environmental legal regime (specially protected areas and ecological disaster zones), considers the main areas of protection of certain natural objects (water, forests, land, etc.). It clarifies the main areas of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection and considers the main characteristics of the environmental protection experience of other countries.
About the editor:
Aleksey Pavlovich graduated from Institute of Economics, Education and Law (city of Volzhskiy). He has a doctor of juridical sciences degree and is currently teaching the subjects «Land Law» and «Ecological Law» at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). His scientific interests are focused on retrieval of balance between private and public interests in the field of real estate, as well as in consideration of interaction between various branches of Social Sciences (Law, Politics and Philosophy). Professor Asimov in his research pays great attention to historical - legal and comparative - legal analysis of land relations, learning the experience of European countries and the prospects of its use in the legislation of Russia and the CIS countries. A.P. Anisimov is the co-author of the comments to the Environmental and Land Laws of Russia. His work with the students A.P. Anisimov combines with the legal practice, advising representatives of Russian small businesses on Land Law. It has the following published: «Evaluation Categories in Private and Public Law: Problems of their Application and Interpretation» (Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. 2013. Vol. IV. Issue 2 (8). PP. 84-95); «Solar and Wind Power as Natural Resource: Legal Theory and Practice of Use of Renewable Energy Sources (view from Russia)» (Law and Development Review. 2014. Vol.7. Issue 1. PP. 165-185); «Linking Environmental Legislative Inefficiency to Lack of an Environmental Philosophy» (Environmental Policy and Law. 2015. Vol. 45. No. 3-4. PP. 145-155) etc.
Anatoliy Jakovlevich has a doctor of juridical sciences degree and is currently teaching the subject «Civil Law» at the Kalmyk State University. His scientific interests are in the field of law and economics, including legal aspects of development of nano-industry. A.J. Ryzhenkov is the author of several major monographs on the theory of property rights, as well as the co-author of a textbook on Civil Law for Bachelors. A.J. Ryzhenkov combines University teaching with management at an engineering firm which carries out modern scientific research works introducing them into production of advanced materials and energy carriers. A.J. Ryzhenkov has published the following articles in recent years: Anisimov A., Ryzhenkov A., Menis E. Acquisition of private ownership over land plots in Russia by virtue of acquisitive prescription: issues and prospects // Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 1.P. 72-86; Anisimov A.P., Mirina N.V., Ryzhenkov A.J. Contemporary Legal Issues of Ensuring Food Security in the Post-Soviet Space (in terms of Russia) // Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. 2020. Vol. 14. Issue 1. P. 106-131; Anisimov A.P., Ryzhenkov A.J. Is It Possible to Change the Destiny of Stray Animals by Legal Means? International Journal of Legal Discourse. 2019. Vol. 4. Issue 2. P. 143-166; Anisimov A., Ryzhenkov A., Sokolskaya L. Impact of the Legal Doctrine on Lawmaking and Judicial Practice in Russia: Historical Legal Research // Archiv für Rechts - und Sozialphilosophie. 2019. No. 4. P. 453-470 etc.
environmental law, expert review, sources of law, tax benefits, legal relations, environmental entrepreneurship, natural objects, responsibility, public associations, environmental harm, human rights, zones with special conditions of use, environmental information, pollution, ministry, specially protected natural areas, licensing, international law, environmental supervision, comparative law.
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