image: A new study revealed that food insecurity in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with poorer social and mental well-being and less access to the internet. view more
Credit: Nathan Chiang and Sarah Ullevig, University of Texas at San Antonio
Rockville, Maryland (June 14, 2022) — The COVID-19 pandemic affected people at all stages of life from seniors to newborns. New studies presented at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE examine the causes and effects of COVID-19-related food insecurity, how the pandemic affected breastfeeding practices and more.
Internet access and food security in older adults
In a new study, researchers from University of Texas at San Antonio sought to find out how technology use and access are related to food security in at-risk, independently living older adults during COVID-19. The researchers analyzed results from surveys of 557 older adults who attended congregate meal sites in November 2020. Forty-two percent of respondents indicated they were food insecure during the survey period. The analysis revealed that food insecurity in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with poorer social and mental well-being and less access to the internet. These findings suggest that technology access should be considered when developing interventions to address food insecurity for older adults.
Nathan Chiang will present this research on-demand starting at noon on Tuesday, June 14, during NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE (abstract; presentation details). Image available.
Breastfeeding experiences during stay-at-home orders
Investigators from Saint Louis University explored how the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted mothers’ roles and breastfeeding practices in the U.S. Mothers of a child 12 months of age or younger were asked via an online survey whether they thought their breastfeeding habits would have been different without the pandemic and to answer an open-ended question asking how the pandemic modified or impacted plans to feed their baby. Of the 1,861 mothers who completed the survey in July or August 2020, one-third thought the pandemic impacted their breastfeeding habits. The survey results revealed that some mothers found that the extra time at home facilitated a bond between them and their baby, resulting in breastfeeding longer than planned. However, many mothers reported the COVID-19 pandemic to be stressful, and in some cases, mothers reported low milk supply due to stress.
Haley N. Pucel will present this research on-demand starting at noon on Tuesday, June 14, during NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE (abstract; presentation details). Image available.
Giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Researchers from Louisiana State University assessed anxiety, confusion and breastfeeding self-efficacy — a mother’s perception of her ability to breastfeed — among mothers who gave birth during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included 180 mothers in 44 states and four U.S. territories recruited via social media ads to take a 78-item web-based survey between May and December 2020 and again at 6 weeks postpartum. At 6 weeks postpartum, just over 95% were either exclusively breastfeeding or combination feeding. The researchers found that mothers in the study were able to maintain planned infant feeding decisions and retained high breastfeeding self-efficacy despite the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. They say that the increasing availability of the COVID-19 vaccine may have helped ease anxiety among new mothers.
Erin M. McKinley will present this research on-demand starting at noon on Tuesday, June 14, during NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE (abstract; presentation details). Image available.
Food insecurity and distress around managing diabetes
Researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health analyzed associations between food insecurity and diabetes distress related to COVID-19 in adults with pre-diabetes or diabetes. The study was based on a national, web-based survey administered to low-income adults in June 2020. Diabetes distress was measured by assessing emotional burden, physician-related distress, self-management-related distress and interpersonal distress. During the pandemic, about 16% of respondents showed moderate diabetes distress, and around 26% experienced high distress. Adults with food insecurity were more likely to report high or moderate diabetes distress compared to those who were food secure. Based on these findings, the researchers say that healthcare providers should screen for diabetes distress and connect patients to resources to help manage food and mental health needs.
Hannah Posluszny will present this research on-demand starting at noon on Tuesday, June 14, during NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE (abstract; presentation details).
Vitamin A levels in hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Vitamin A plays a key role in regulating the immune system, development of lung tissue and repair of infection-related damage. To better understand its potential role in COVID-19, University Hospital Muenster researchers compared vitamin A blood plasma levels in critically ill and recovering COVID-19 patients. The study is one of the first to differentiate between unbound free vitamin A, retinol-binding protein (RBP) and total vitamin A. They found that critically ill patients in the acute phase of COVID-19 showed significantly decreased total vitamin A and RBP-bound levels compared to patients who were recovering. Although these results support previous studies that have shown vitamin A deficiency in patients with acute infections, the researchers say that more work is needed to understand how this deficiency might affect COVID-19 disease progression.
Richard Vollenberg will present this research on-demand starting at noon on Tuesday, June 14, during NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE (abstract; presentation details).
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Please note that abstracts presented at NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE were evaluated and selected by a committee of experts but have not generally undergone the same peer review process required for publication in a scientific journal. As such, the findings presented should be considered preliminary until a peer-reviewed publication is available.
NUTRITION 2022 LIVE ONLINE is part of a new year-around experience featuring ASN’s flagship annual meeting held virtually June 14-16, 2022, plus learning and networking opportunities that will be offered throughout the year. The online annual meeting is a dynamic virtual event showcasing new research findings and timely discussions on food and nutrition. Scientific symposia explore hot topics including clinical and translational nutrition, food science and systems, global and public health, population science and cellular and physiological nutrition and metabolism. #NutritionLiveOnline
About the American Society for Nutrition (ASN)
ASN is the preeminent professional organization for nutrition research scientists and clinicians around the world. Founded in 1928, the society brings together the top nutrition researchers, medical practitioners, policy makers and industry leaders to advance our knowledge and application of nutrition. ASN publishes four peer-reviewed journals and provides education and professional development opportunities to advance nutrition research, practice and education.
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