News Release

EULAR announces measures to support Ukraine

EULAR has taken a series of decisions in view of Russia’s government attack on Ukraine

Business Announcement

European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR)

Since 24 January, EULAR has adopted a series of measures in supporting Ukraine. These measures so far include:


  1. Coordinating support through EULAR Members
    Remaining in constant exchange with EULAR National Members to identify ways in which EULAR can best help victims. EULAR has reached out to its member organisations in countries bordering with Ukraine to identify opportunities for support of people with RMDs in Ukraine and among the refugees.
    EULAR has also asked our Corporate Members to ensure medicines supply and logistics in close collaboration with the governments and is liaising with industry partners on medicine supply logistic.
  2. Financial and professional support for the Ukrainian workforce in rheumatology
    Together with EMEUNET, the Emerging EULAR Network, EULAR has developed a support programme for young Ukrainian rheumatologists, enabling them to take up their profession, maintain and further develop their skills, and provide care to a range of patients, including particularly displaced Ukrainian RMD patients. Across Europe, Ukrainian rheumatologists or rheumatologists in training can apply for this programme, sponsoring their employment in one of EULAR’s various partner hospitals or institutes. EULAR will fund up to 20 such positions, allowing for a stable income for a Ukrainian physician who had to flee their country, and securing medical treatment for Ukrainian refugees with RMDs. EULAR will provide EUR 500,000 for this purpose.


  1. Restriction for delegates and companies based in the Russian Federation and Belarus
    EULAR also decided to ban Russian/Belarus delegates and companies from our onsite congress in Copenhagen.
  2. Free registration for Ukrainian nationals to EULAR 2022 and EULAR Online Courses

In order to alleviate the hardships experienced by the people of Ukraine and in support of its scientific community, EULAR is providing virtual ticket registration free of charge for Ukraine nationals to the EULAR 2022 European Congress of Rheumatology and free access to all EULAR Online Courses.

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