News Release

Fermi Arcs in an Antiferromagnet detected at BESSY II

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie

Fermi Arcs in an Antiferromagnet detected at BESSY II

image: Fermi surface of antiferromagnetic NdBi taken at 6 K temperature at BESSY II. It shows so called Fermi arcs. view more 


Neodymium-Bismuth crystals belong to the wide range of materials with interesting magnetic properties. The Fermi surface which is measured in the experiments contains information on the transport properties of charge carriers in the crystal. While usually the Fermi surface consists of closed contours, disconnected sections known as Fermi arcs are very rare and can be signatures of unusual electronic states.

Unusual magnetic splittings

In a study, published now in Nature, the team presents experimental evidence for such Fermi arcs. They observed an unusual magnetic splitting in the antiferromagnetic state of the samples below a temperature of 24 Kelvin (the Néel-temperature). This splitting creates bands of opposing curvature, which changes with temperature together with the antiferromagnetic order.

These findings are very important because they are fundamentally different from previously theoretically considered and experimentally reported cases of magnetic splittings. In the case of well-known Zeeman and Rashba splittings, the curvature of the bands is always preserved. Since both splittings are important for spintronics, these new findings could lead to novel applications, especially as the focus of spintronics research is currently moving from traditional ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic materials.

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