News Release

UTIA associate professor receives SAEA distinguished professional contribution award

Chris Boyer recognized for significant contributions to agricultural economics

Grant and Award Announcement

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture

Chris Boyer, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture

image: Chris Boyer, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, has received the Distinguished Professional Contribution Award from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association. view more 

Credit: Photo by T. Johnson, courtesy UTIA.

Chris Boyer, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, has received the Distinguished Professional Contribution Award from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA). The award is given to individuals who have demonstrated significant service to the Association. Boyer accepted the award at the 2022 SAEA annual meeting, which was held February 12-15 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

He recently completed a three-year term on SAEA’s board of directors and helped organize the 2022 conference. This year also marked Boyer’s completion of a three-year term on the editorial council for the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, which is supported and maintained by SAEA. The council is tasked with providing feedback to the editors on revisions and selecting the outstanding paper of the year.

Much of Boyer’s teaching and research programs focus on farm business management decisions to maximize profits or manage risk. The goal of these programs is to enhance the long-term economic sustainability of farm businesses in Tennessee and across the United States. He works with multidisciplinary teams of scientists and Extension specialists to identify relevant and important real-world questions and to develop practical solutions. As such, his work has been featured in numerous popular press outlets such a Crop & SoilsDelta Farm PressBEEF and Progressive Forage.

“We are all happy to see Chris recognized for his strong commitment to the land-grant mission and to helping others,” said Chris Clark, head of the UT Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. “He is the consummate team player, and we are extremely fortunate to have him.”

Boyer has been named an AgResearch Faculty Fellow and has garnered numerous awards such as the Outstanding UT Personnel Award by Alpha Gamma Rho in 2021; the T.J. Whatley Distinguished Young Scientist Award in 2018; the Chancellor’s Award for Success in Multidisciplinary Research in 2018; the Glynn and Lynda Newton Entrepreneurial Development Award in 2018; and the Emerging Scholar Award by SAEA in 2017, to name a few.

He earned his doctorate in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University, and a master’s in agricultural economics and a bachelor’s in agribusiness from Texas A&M University. Boyer has been a faculty member with the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics for approximately 10 years.

Through its land-grant mission of research, teaching and extension, the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture touches lives and provides Real. Life. Solutions.

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