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Credit: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers
Election litigation rates hit a record high number of cases in 2020. Is this an aberration or a sign of things to come? New research brings this question into focus in the peer-reviewed Election Law Journal. Click here to read the article now.
Election litigation rates in 2020 increased almost 26% over rates in 2016, the year of the prior U.S. presidential election.
In Election Law Journal, author Richard Hasen, from the University of California, Irvine School of Law, points out two features of election litigation in 2020 that were unusual. One was the tremendous amount of litigation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, after President Trump’s loss in 2020, he and his allies filed many unsuccessful election lawsuits aimed at overturning the results.
Mr. Hasen describes and analyzes new data through 2020 on trends in U.S. election litigation, explains whether litigation rates are likely to continue to rise in the future, and discusses whether this trend is good or bad.
“Although we can all agree that minimizing frivolous litigation is an unmitigated good, minimizing meritorious litigation deprives some litigants of justice,” he says.
“Richard Hasen, one of the nation’s leading experts on election law, shows that increasingly the battles over conducting elections are ending up in the courts. As we head toward the 2022 midterms and gear up for the next presidential election, that trend is sure to continue,” states Election Law Journal Editor-in-Chief David Canon, University of Wisconsin.
About the Journal
Election Law Journal is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal published quarterly online with open access options and in print that provides global, interdisciplinary coverage of election law, policy, and administration. Led by Editor-in-Chief David Canon, University of Wisconsin, the Journal covers the field of election law for practicing attorneys, election administrators, political professionals, legal scholars, and social scientists, and covers election design and reform on the federal, state, and local levels. Complete tables of contents and a sample issue are available on the Election Law Journal website.
About the Publisher
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers is known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research and law. A complete list of the firm’s more than 100 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers website.
Election Law Journal Rules Politics and Policy
Method of Research
Case study
Subject of Research