image: The left subpanel shows the ice thickness used to initialize the model (shading) and the contemporary coast line (black contour line) while the right subpanel depicts the corresponding bedrock topography. These data are derived from the ETOPO1 data set [42]. view more
Credit: Yang et al., 2022, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (
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Changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet volume lag climate changes, such that today's climate could still be affecting its size in thousands of years' time
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Article Title: Impact of paleoclimate on present and future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Author Countries: Germany, China, The Netherlands
Funding: This work was supported through a grant (Global sea level change since the Mid Holocene: Background trends and climate-ice sheet feedbacks) from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the Special Priority Program (SPP)-1889 ‘Regional Sea Level Change and Society’ (SeaLevel). C. Rodehacke has been financed through the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung: BMBF) project ZUWEISS (grant agreement 01LS1612A) and through the National Centre for Climate Research (NCFK, Nationalt Center for Klimaforskning) provided by the Danish State. H.Y., S.X. and X.L are partly funded by the open fund of State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, CAS (SKLLQG1920). Development of PISM is supported by NASA grant NNX17AG65G and NSF grants PLR-1603799 and PLR-1644277.
Article Title
Impact of paleoclimate on present and future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet
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The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.