News Release

ACM recognizes 2021 Distinguished Members for pivotal educational, engineering, and scientific contributions

Longstanding members cited for trailblazing achievements across computing field

Grant and Award Announcement

Association for Computing Machinery

Association for Computing Machinery

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Credit: Association for Computing Machinery

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has named 63 Distinguished Members for outstanding contributions to the field. All 2021 inductees are longstanding ACM members and were selected by their peers for a range of accomplishments that advance computing as a science and a profession.

“Each year we are excited to recognize a new class of ACM Distinguished Members for their professional achievements, as well as their longstanding membership with ACM,” explains ACM President Gabriele Kotsis. “The Distinguished Members program is a way both to celebrate the trailblazing work of our members, and to underscore how participation with a professional society enhances one’s career growth. This award category also emphasizes how ACM’s worldwide membership is the foundation of our organization.” 

The 2021 ACM Distinguished Members work at leading universities, corporations and research institutions in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, India, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. ACM Distinguished Members are selected for their contributions in three separate categories: educational, engineering, and scientific.  This year’s class of Distinguished Members made advancements in areas including bioinformatics, computer architecture, computer graphics, data science, human-computer interaction, networking and distributed systems, semantic web research, security, and software engineering, among many other areas.  

The ACM Distinguished Member program recognizes up to 10 percent of ACM worldwide membership based on professional experience and significant achievements in the computing field. To be nominated, a candidate must have at least 15 years of professional experience in the computing field, five years of professional ACM membership in the last 10 years, and must have achieved a significant level of accomplishment, or made a significant impact in the field of computing, computer science or information technology. A Distinguished Member is expected to have served as a mentor and role model by guiding technical career development and contributing to the field beyond the norm.



For Outstanding Educational Contributions to Computing:



Alison Clear
Eastern Institute of Technology

Andrew Luxton-Reilly
University of Auckland


Kathi Fisler
Brown University

Jane Chu Prey




Ingrid Russell
University of Hartford


For Outstanding Engineering Contributions to Computing:



Cristian Cadar
Imperial College London

Tawanna R. Dillahunt
University of Michigan



Ponnurangam Kumaraguru
IIIT Hyderabad


Archan Misra            
Singapore Management University         


Felix Naumann
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam


Knut Risvik                      

m.c. schraefel              
University of Southampton                      

Nalini Venkatasubramanian
University of California, Irvine

For Outstanding Scientific Contributions to Computing:



Bo An
Nanyang Technological University

Marcelo Arenas
Universidad Católica de Chile & IMFD Chile


Ranjita Bhagwan
Microsoft Research India

Supratik Chakraborty
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Yingying (Jennifer) Chen
Rutgers University

Rolf Drechsler
University of Bremen, DFKI


Cecilia Aragon
University of Washington

Rosa M. Badia
Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Richard R. Brooks
Clemson University

Jake Y. Chen
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Zhigang Deng
University of Houston

Xiaojiang Du
Stevens Institute of Technology



Ashutosh Dutta
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab


Andrea Forte
Drexel University



Marcus Foth
Queensland University of Technology

Xiaoming Fu
University of Goettingen



Ramaswamy Govindarajan
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


M. Shamim Hossain
King Saud University



Trent Jaeger
Pennsylvania State University


Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
University of Washington, Google



Miryung Kim
University of California, Los Angeles

Jerry Chun-Wei Lin
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences


Yiqun Liu
Tsinghua University

Donald A. Metzler


Ujjwal Maulik
Jadavpur University

Antonija Mitrovic
University of Canterbury


Max Mühlhäuser
Technical University of Darmstadt



Sean Munson
University of Washington


Edmund B. Nightingale

Leo Porter
University of California, San Diego

M. Sohel Rahman
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Karthik Pattabiraman
University of British Columbia

Guo-Jun Qi
OPPO US Research Center

Sanjay Rao
Purdue University



Balaraman Ravindran
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Katie A. Siek
Indiana University



Yogesh Simmhan
Indian Institute of Science

Sriram Subramanian
University College London



Lin Tan
Purdue University

Fei Wang
Cornell University



XiaoFeng Wang
Indiana University Bloomington

Ingmar Weber
Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU

Jie Wu
Temple University

Chun Jason Xue
City University of Hong Kong

Yusu Wang
Halicioglu Data Science Institute & University of California, San Diego

Yonggang Wen
Nanyang Technological University

Xiaokui Xiao  
National University of Singapore

Ke Yi
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology       


Jingyi Yu
ShanghaiTech University

Erez Zadok
Stony Brook University



About ACM
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenges. ACM strengthens the computing profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.

About the ACM Recognition Program
The ACM Fellows program, initiated in 1993, celebrates the exceptional contributions of the leading members in the computing field. To be selected as an ACM Fellow, a candidate's accomplishments are expected to place him or her among the top 1% of ACM members. These individuals have helped to enlighten researchers, developers, practitioners and end users of information technology throughout the world. The ACM Distinguished Member program, initiated in 2006, recognizes those members with at least 15 years of professional experience who have made significant accomplishments or achieved a significant impact on the computing field. ACM Distinguished Membership recognizes up to 10% of ACM's top members. The ACM Senior Member program, also initiated in 2006, includes members with at least 10 years of professional experience who have demonstrated performance that sets them apart from their peers through technical leadership, technical contributions and professional contributions. ACM Senior Member status recognizes the top 25% of ACM Professional Members. The new ACM Fellows, Distinguished Members, and Senior Members join a list of eminent colleagues to whom ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership in computing and information technology.




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