News Release

Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury show premature cognitive decline, in some ways comparable to that of people with early Parkinson's Disease and significantly worse than that of healthy non-veterans

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Fig 1. Trail-making A and B reveal group differences and similarities in cognitive flexibility

image: Fig 1. Trail-making A and B reveal group differences and similarities in cognitive flexibility. view more 

Credit: Nejtek et al., 2021, PLOS ONE, CC-BY 4.0 (

Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury show premature cognitive decline, in some ways comparable to that of people with early Parkinson's Disease and significantly worse than that of healthy non-veterans


Article URL:

Article Title: Premature cognitive decline in specific domains found in young veterans with mTBI coincide with elder normative scores and advanced-age subjects with early-stage Parkinson’s disease

Author Countries: U.S.A.

Funding: VAN was the Principal Investigator funded, in part, by the Graham and Caroline Holloway Family Foundation, the JES Edwards Foundation under Grant # RP20007, and the Institute for Translational Research (formerly the Center for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Disease Research) at UNT Health Science Center under Grant # RI10024. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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