image: French Ambassador for Climate, Stephan Crouzat and Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General for ISA announce the launch of the Solar Compass journal, in collaboration with Elsevier at the UN’s COP26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. view more
Credit: International Solar Alliance, 2021
Glasgow, November 9, 2021 – Elsevier, a global leader in research publishing and information analytics, and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) are pleased to announce the launch of a new journal, Solar Compass.
The launch event was held during the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference COP26, in Glasgow, with H.E Mr. Stephane Crouzat, Ambassador for Climate, Government of France, and H.E. Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, International Solar Alliance in attendance, releasing the first official call for papers to authors around the world.
ISA’s vision is for a rapid increase in solar energy usage, so that the global community can achieve an ambitious goal of net zero carbon emissions by mid-century, in order to limit the global temperature rise to 1.50C. Achieving this target will be an incredible challenge, but it is essential to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change.
Distinguished Professor Yogi Goswami, University of South Florida, and recently announced Editor-in-Chief of Solar Compass said: “There is not one silver bullet to achieve the net zero goal. It will require a multi-pronged approach on new, innovative and more efficient technologies, lower-cost manufacturing at scale, investments at scale to support entrepreneurship in new technologies, and financing at the consumer end to ensure adoption, while also taking care of the global societal issues to ensure access for all people of the world.”
To help meet this challenge and share transformative information on policy, financing, technology and case studies with stakeholders, and fill the gap in information needed to accelerate the use of solar energy, ISA and Elsevier are joining forces to launch Solar Compass.
“With the launch of this Journal, we have set the organization on a path to deliver solar technologies of the future that help in the faster global energy transition,” said Dr. Mathur.
Solar Compass will be an open access journal, providing readers around the world with freely accessible articles. All articles will be peer-reviewed before publication, and an advisory board of visionary leaders will guide the directions of the journal, alongside an editorial board of globally recognized experts who will plan, solicit articles, and conduct reviews before accepting the articles for publication.
For more information on the submission, review, and publication processes, please visit the journal homepage here.
Follow Solar Compass on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Note for editors
The International Solar Alliance’s “Green Grids Initiative - One Sun One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) is part of a bilateral agreement announced between India and the United Kingdom at this year’s COP26 event in Glasgow, Scotland. GGI is an and an evolutionary step forward in ISA's multilateral drive to foster interconnected solar energy infrastructure at a global scale. For more information, click here.
About the International Solar Alliance (ISA)
The International Solar Alliance is a growing international organization of 99 member countries. ISA supports governments around the world to improve energy access and security by promoting solar energy as a sustainable, affordable, and resilient way to transition to a carbon-neutral future. ISA’s vision is to facilitate energy access in every corner of the world by delivering cleaner electricity to all by 2030. ISA’s mission is to unlock USD 1 trillion of investment by 2030 by reducing the cost of the technology and its financing and increasing the skills of people working in the industry. The ISA will help deliver global relevance, local benefit to all countries through collaborations, with its key interventions focusing on readiness & enabling activities, risk mitigation & innovative financing instruments, which will then facilitate the promotion and deployment of technologies in respective target markets. Follow ISA on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
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Jonathan Davis
Elsevier Communications