News Release

Bimetallic catalysts for oil extraction

An international collaboration saw light in Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology.

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Kazan Federal University


image: External view of batch reactor view more 

Credit: Kazan Federal University

In this case, catalysts based on transition metals CuFe2O4, CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 were tested for in-situ oil upgrading.

Co-author, Junior Research of Kazan Federal University Muneer A. Suwaid comments, “Currently, aquathermolysis technology is recognized as the main method for improving the quality of heavy oil in-situ. The use of catalysts reduces the content of heavy hydrocarbons and increases the quantity of light hydrocarbons, which leads to a decrease in oil viscosity. At the initial stage, new catalysts developed at Kazan Federal University will be applied in the oilfields of the Republic of Tatarstan with catalytic and non-catalytic aquathermolysis.”

The test showed positive influence on the quality of extracted petroleum, efficiency of transportation, and environmental impact.

Further research will be focused on using the catalysts with water injection.

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