Multimedia Release

Using Radiation to Generate Amorphous Metal Oxide Films (1 of 3)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Using Radiation to Generate Amorphous Metal Oxide Films (1 of 3)

image: Exposure of metal salts to near-infrared irradiation yields electrocatalytic films on a variety of different substrates. Shown in the photo are films deposited on metal, glass, plastic, and a membrane (from left to right). This material relates to a paper that appeared in the March 6, 2015, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by D.A. Salvatore at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and colleagues was titled, "Near-infrared-driven decomposition of metal precursors for the formation of amorphous metal and metal oxide films." view more 

Credit: Danielle Salvatore, Kevan Dettelbach, Jesse Hudkins, Curtis Berlinguette

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