Multimedia Release

Solving the 'Poverty Puzzle' in Rural Communities with a Resilient Framework (2 of 2)

Reports and Proceedings

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Solving the 'Poverty Puzzle' in Rural Communities with a Resilient Framework (2 of 2)

video: A video detailing how this study uses resilience thinking to more fully include the links between financial well-being, nature and culture in breaking the cycle of poverty. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the 03 May 2017, issue of Science Advances, published by AAAS. The paper, by S.J. Lade at Stockholm University in Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues was titled, "Resilience offers escape from trapped thinking on poverty alleviation." view more 

Credit: [Credit: Production of film: Stockholm Resilience Centre Editing of film: Claes Vernerback Text: Sturle Simonsen, Jamila Haider, Steven Lade]

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